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Monday February 8 y ANT 2301 for assignments look at intro conclusion discussion thats it Top Hat evolution of human sexuality summer 2018 Join code 054968 Sign up 24 dollars for the semester Exams july 6 july 20 august 3rd Assignments are due on the days of the exams 1st and second What is Anthropology the study of human beings anthropos human logia study of Subfields 1 Monday February 8 y archeological cultural linguistic physical now biological Evolutionary theory tries to explain human biology through evolution and natural selection EG the mating systems of primates determines their sexual dimorphism body size difference btwn m f group size canine size testes size mate guarding behavior cuckoldry But the ecology determines the mating system Evolutionary biology shows that the human genotype is the result of the those ancestors who reproduced with greater frequency than others Current behavior is probably the result of selective forces that occurred in the Pleistocene For example a man tryin to fuck a ton of women all while ppt Naturalistic fallacy and genetic determinism naturalistic fallacy the error of deriving what ought to be from what is creating an evolutionary explanation of a behavior in humans does not justify the behavior or make it universal Genetic Determinism idea that behavior is unalterable programmed and unchangeable 2 Monday February 8 y this idea is untrue we are not saying that because a behavior may be selected for it is inevitable or acceptable What is Sexuality oh fuck here we go how people experience and express themselves as sexual beings biologically sexuality can encompass sexual intercourse and sexual contact in all its forms sociologically it can cover the cultural political and legal aspects philosophically it an span the moral ethical theological spiritual or religious aspects Read PPT Prehistoric Sexuality earliest evidence appears after the increase in symbolic thought accompanying early modern humans Sexuality in the Ancient Mediterranean The Hebrews 1000 200BC the hebrew bible rules about sexual behavior tales of sexual misconduct tales of marital love acknowledges the importance of sexuality in marital relations 3 Monday February 8 y The Greeks 1000 200BC distinguish between love and sex Aphrodite eros One of the few major civilizations to institutionalize homosexuality pederasty men and the male form were idealized The Romans 500BC AD700 marriage and sexual relations were viewed as a means to improve ones economic and social standing few restrictions about sexuality India Beginning about 400BC Hinduism Karma Patriarchal social system Kama Sutra sex love family China beginning about 200BC 4 Monday February 8 y Tao yin yang Sexuality is a natural procreative process yin and yang equally necessary therefore men and women more equal Moche Peru 100 800 AD known for rich iconography and monumental architecture huaca del sol and huaca del luna are some of the first pre Columbian structures in Peru Moche Sex Pottery Early Christianity beginning about 500AD Jesus was liberal in his thinking about sexuality St Paul and later followers established the christian view of sexuality highest love was the love for God ideal situation was celibacy The legacy of early Christianity was a general association of sexuality with sin The Middle Ages 500 1400AD Early in Period 5 Monday February 8 y all sex outside of marriage was considered sinful and even certain marital acts were forbidden Late in Period new ideas about women were brought back by the crusaders Islam about 500AD Drew from Jewish and Christian Roots and added Arab tribal beliefs 8th and 12th centuries was the most advanced society in the world newly developed system of mathematics read ppt The Renaissance about 1300AD began in italy focused on human beings and their place in the world new shit ppt The reformation around 1500AD Western europe martin luther protestantism marital love blessed sexuality a natural function 6 Monday February 8 y John Calvin women were men s partners in all things marital union primarily a social thing I guess The enlightenment and victorian era Enlightenment about 1700 AD sex was desirable for m f Victorian era 1837 1901 Publicly sexual attitudes became more conservative privately they was fuckin brothels and shit The Colonies about 1600 puritans severe sanctions for sexual transgressions death penalty Early USA 1700s 1800s late 1700s sexual attitudes became more liberal slavery had an impact on sexual conduct despite harsh conditions strong sense of morality within the slave community 7 Monday February 8 y Settlers used the sexuality of minorities as an excuse to distain or oppresss them Native Americans Mexicans 19th century Free Love mvt saw marriage as sexual slavery of women Mormons polygamy Medical Model of Sexuality sexual health Comstock Act of 1873 prohibited the mailing of obscene lewd lascivious and indecent writing or advertisements 20th Century Social Hygiene Mvt virtuous women catching STDs from husbands who frequented prostitutes blood tests before marriage police actions against prostitutes Sexology Alfred Kinsey 8 Monday February 8 y sex more important than originally thought Masters and Johnson nice studied the physiology of sexual response The 20th Century cont The sexual revolution 1920s flapper era 1960s San Fransisco Feminism Women s suffrage mvt birth control entitled to sexual satisfaction existing relations 20th cent Gay Liberation WWII hostile environment to homosexuals Stonewall Riot 1969 NY The Village PPT 21st 9 Monday February 8 y rise of plastic surgery unnatural images of beauty photoship images in mass media Internet pornography free available The Sex Industry one of the oldest professions China is the worlds largest exporter of sex toys and novelties with an estimated 1 000 factories involved in the manufacture of adult healthcare products Germany s legal sex industry is estimated to make 18 billion annually Theoretical Perspectives on Sexuality a theory is a set of assumptions principles or methods that helps a researcher understand the nature of a phenomenon being studied Evolutionary Perspectives biological theory sexual behavior is primarily a biological process Sociobiology sexual behaviors are a result of natural selection in evolution Evolutionary Psychology sexual behaviors are result of psychological mechanisms and environmental influences 10 Monday February 8 y Psychological Theories Psychoanalytic theory Id ego superego

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