PSY 213 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Lectures 22 27 Lecture 22 Ch 11 What is emerging adulthood Is it present in all nations What are some key features of this stage Know the markers of becoming an adult o Emerging adulthood transition from adolescents to adulthood occurs 18 25 o Not as clearly defined in all nations or in low SES families o Key Features Identity exploration especially in love and work what do I want Instability self focused and feeling in between things are changing a lot for many people The age of possibilities a time when individuals have an opportunity to transform their lives career school more options Many young people are optimistic during this time in there lives And experimental o Markers of becoming an adult Holding a full time job Economic independence paying for everything themselves Taking responsibility for oneself Marriage parenthood 1 marker of adulthood in other nations Review the section on health in early adulthood o Emerging adults have twice the mortality rate of adolescents twice as likely to die Boys and males are also more likely because of risk taking and reckless behavior o Few chronic health problems as you get older get less sick o Increase in bad health habits poor eating inactivity smoking substance abuse o Eating and weight o Obesity Linked to increased risk of hypertension diabetes and cardiovascular disease 27 In next 15 years almost half will be obese US has highest of overweight and obese adults Dieting Become an obsession with many Americans although obesity is on the rise o Regular exercise Helps prevent chronic disorders Aerobic exercise Sustained exercise that stimulates heart and lung activity Exercise benefits both physical and mental health Helps mental health Helps diseases like arthritis Review the section on substance abuse o Substance abuse rises during early adulthood Alcohol Only 20 sustain from drinking Binge drinking peak in 21 22 then slowly decline Increases in college Over a third fit in this category 5 or more drinks in a row in the past week 10 or more drinks in a row in the past week extreme binge drinking Extreme binge drinkers are more likely to drink and drive 10 times more likely And twice more likely to have unprotected sex Pre gaming What is the average age of marriage for American men and women o 27 for women o 29 for men Review the section on sexual orientation and behavior Be sure to review attitudes and behavior of lesbians and gay males o Heterosexual attitudes and behavior o Americans fall into three categories o 1 3 twice a week or more o 1 3 a few times a month o 1 3 few times a year or not at all o Married and cohabiting couples have sex more often than non cohabiting couples o Most Americans do not engage in kinky sexual acts o Adultery is the exception rather than the rule o Men think about sex far more often than women do o 75 of married men 85 of married women have not cheated of their spouse o 17 on men 3 of women have had sex with 21 partners o Attitudes and behavior of lesbians and gay males Many gender differences that appear in heterosexual relationships occur in same sex relationships Lesbians and gays experience life as a minority in a dominant majority culture Developing a bicultural identity creates new ways of defining themselves Just like straight men gay men usually have more sexual partners than gay women and straight women Lecture23 How many U S adults contract an STI Review statistics on HIV and AIDS o 1 in 6 will have a STI o Most common gonorrhea and chlamydia Also viral herpes HIV AIDS HPV Have to live with for the rest of their lives Review characteristics of postformal thought o Reflective relativistic and contextual people think more deeply about issues Relationships politics context of which people do things o Provisional more skeptical o Realistic o Recognized as being influenced by emotion Review career development the impact of work work during college and diversity in the workplace o The impact of work Important consideration is how stressful the work is People spend 1 3 of their life at work o Work during college Working can pay or help offset some costs of schooling But can also can restrict students opportunities to learn Stress effects productivity and health o Diversity in the workplace Women have increasingly entered the labor force Ethnic diversity also increasing in the workplace in almost every developed country Ch 12 Review findings on attachment and romantic relationships o Attachment Secure attachment style have a positive view of relationships and find it easy to get close to others Avoidant attachment style are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships Higher rates of cheating Anxious attachment style demand closeness are less trusting more emotional jealous and possessive Associated with depression not sexually satisfied o Intimacy Self disclosure and the sharing of private thoughts Erikson s stage Intimacy versus isolation o Develop committed relationship with someone Failure to do so results in social isolation o Intimacy is finding oneself while losing oneself in another person o Intimacy and independence Review Erikson s State of Intimacy vs Isolation o finding oneself while losing oneself in another person and it requires a commitment to another person Review Sternberg s 3 dimensions of love o Romantic love Passionate love or eros o Affectionate love Companionate love Desires to have the other person near o Based on a deep and caring affection Consummate love strongest form of love Made up of passion intimacy and commitment What are some stereotypes about single adults What problems do single adults face Advantages o Swinging single to the desperately lonely suicidal single Review findings on cohabitating adults o Living together in a sexual relationship without being married o Reasons for cohabiting Spend time together Share expenses Evaluate compatibility Lower marital satisfaction and increased likelihood of divorce Know the factors that contribute to divorce o Youthful marriage o Low educational level o Low income level o Not having a religious affiliation o Having divorced parents o Having a baby before marriage Lecture 24 What are misconceptions about gay and lesbian relationships o Masculine feminine roles are relatively uncommon o Small segment of the gay male population has a large number of sexual partners o Gay male couples have an open relationship while lesbian couples usually do not How does the birth of a
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