UGA FDNS 4600 - Food Allergies
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FDNS 4600 1st Edition Lecture 41 Outline of Past Lecture I II III IV Nonnutritive Sweeteners Types on NNS Nutritive and NNS Use During Pregnancy 4 Beverages and Metabolic Outcomes Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V The Issue Food allergy Food Allergy Prevalence Diagnosis Food Allergy Management Current Lecture I II The Issue a Separating kids in the school i Opinions 1 It is out of the child s control 2 Policy is necessary as the alternative is home school 3 However if the child is in a peanut free environment how will they manage to deal with the allergy outside of the school 4 Focus mostly on peanuts but maybe not all allergies 5 Misconceptions hand sanitizer does not protect against Food allergy a Adverse health effect arising from a specific immune response to a food allergen i Usually reacts to protein strands b 8 accounts for 90 of allergies c Must occur reproducibly upon exposure to food allergen d Anaphylaxis Shock i Very hard for the body to recover from so people with allergies usually carry an Eppi pen ii Symptoms are vast and can be fatal These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV 1 Usually involve the respiratory and cardiovascular systems e What it is not i Food intolerance 1 Lactose intolerance is a lack of an enzyme needed Your not allergic to milk 2 Celiac disease autoimmune disorder not an allergy to wheat barley rye ii Dislike of certain foods f Prevention i New possibilities 1 Feeding peanuts to infants significantly decreased the risk of the child being allergic later on in life Food Allergy Prevalence a Difficult to describe b More than 170 foods identified as allergenic c Some individuals outgrow or develop allergies later on in life d US Food Allergy Prevalence i Adults 3 4 have allergies 1 Most common shellfish ii Children 5 1 Most common milk e Why is it increasing theories i Increased awareness and diagnosis ii Hygiene hypothesis 1 Too clean of an environment 2 Family size inversely associate with allergic disease iii Vitamin D hypothesis 1 Maternal vitamin D Diagnosis a National guidelines i National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease 1 Best Practice Clinical guidelines 2 Guidelines for when to suspect food allergy diagnosis a food allergy and how to manage the allergy ii Diagnosis requires multiple indicators 1 Medical History physical exam skin prick test allergen specific serum igE test and oral food challenges 2 Skin prick test has limitation as it may have a false positive a Also may be allergic on skin but ok to eat iii Oral food challenge 1 Gold standard double blind placebo controlled 2 Limitations a May not be covered by insurance V b Time c Risk d Fear i Psychosomatic reaction thinking you ll have a reaction so you do Food Allergy Management a Strict avoidance i Definitely don t eat ii Probably don t touch iii Unlikely that breathing it in will have affects b Definitely do not eat i NIAID recommends food allergic individuals avoid ingesting their allergen ii Require labeling iii Policy has helped protect consumers 1 US Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act a Requires identification of Big 8 c Probably don t touch i NIAID no specific recommendation ii Skin reactions in some people d Unlikely that breathing it in will have affects i NIAID no specific recommendation ii Not well understood iii Study 1 Showed that there were no inhalation reaction 2 10 individuals showed skin reaction iv Possible 1 Self report 2 Possible link to asthma e

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UGA FDNS 4600 - Food Allergies

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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