SU HOA 106 - 20th century 1945-1980
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HOA 106 1nd Edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture II Art and Architecture continued a The Bauhaus b American Architecture i Art Deco ii Frank Lloyd Wright c American Painting i Abstraction ii Representational art iii Harlem Renaissance iv Muralists v Photography Outline of Current Lecture III Art and Architecture a Art as direct commentary th IV 20 century 1945 1980 a Ideas Revolution b Modernism Current Lecture Lecture 4 9 15 o Art as Direct Commentary on the Atrocities of Totalitarianism Picasso Guernica Symbolizes the bombing of a Spanish town Guernica Black and white cubist forms and shapes Objects look ghost like animals and human figures Lee Miller Buchenwald Germany 30 April First female photojournalist to document German concentration camps Shows group of prisoners wearing striped pajamas and pile of human bones These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Film Sergei M Eisenstein the Battleship Potemkin o Supported by the Russian gov t o Russia communist o A montage rapid sequence of images Leni Riefenstahl the Triumph of the Will o Worked for the Nazi regime Made propaganda for Hitler and Third Reich Music Penderecki Threnody in Memoery of the Victims of Hiroshima o Meant to depict the atomic bomb 20th Century 1945 1980 Ideas Revolution o Global community created through transportation like car and airplane o High technology Existentialism A philosophical movement led by Jean Paul Sarte Being and Nothingness Pessimistic and atheist view Alberto Giacometti City Square o Five figures within a bare area Bleak and haunting Modernism o The New York School The US began leading the world with radical style called Abstract Expressionism Orginiated within a group of poor artists that were employed by the WPA Arshile Gorky The Liver is the Cock s Comb Influenced by cubism surrealism automatism and abstract expressionist paintings Action Painting Free and spontaneous paintings Similar to Japanese Concrete Art Association Ideas are taken from Zen Buddhist philosophy Jackson Pollock Lucifer o Looks like splatter paint o Spontaneous and improvised o Was the first to do so in act of rebellion Franz Kline Pennsylvania o Very simplified black brushstrokes o Meant to represent the steel girders of industrial Pennsylvania Color Field Painting Applied large and translucent layers of paint Mark Rothko Untitled o Barnett Newman Vir Heroicus Sublimis o Huge image of red Broken up by thin strips of vertical lines Sculpture of the New York School o Orange yellow white color blocked painting David Smith Cubi o Symbolizes progress of postwar industrial America o Groups of geometric shapes Followers of Abstract Expressionists Formalist Abstraction of 1950s and 60s Helen Frankenthaler Before the Caves

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