UGA FDNS 4600 - Food Additives and Flavors
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FDNS 4600 1st Edition Lecture 35 Outline of Past Lecture I Echinacea Case Study Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV V VI VII Regulation of Color Additives Certified Color Additives Approved Certified Colors Possible Mechanisms for Certified Color Reactions Behavior Allergy Other Stevens LJ Nutr Rev 2014 Food Flavors Safety assessment Issues and Challenges Current Lecture I II III Regulation of Color Additives a FDA regulates all color additives b Subject to batch certification means that the FDA does a chemical test to test the chemical make up of the color additives c New colors take a lot of money and testing Certified Color Additives a What is the difference between i Toxicity testing chemical tests ii Certification tests in animals b Each batch is tested prior to use in foods Approved Certified Colors a Red No 40 Allura Red i most commonly used ii not carcinogenic or teratogenic b Red No 3 Erythrosine i 4 iodine atoms thyroid issue ii low toxicity because poorly absorbed c Yellow No 5 Tartrazine i Second most commonly used ii Hypersensitivity Reactions asthma hives migraine elevates histamine These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute IV V VI VII d Yellow No 6 Sunset Yellow i Some hypersensitivity e Blue No 1 Brilliant Blue i Poorly absorbed most likely to be excreted in feces f Blue No 2 Indigotine actually occurs in nature i Poorly absorbed g Green No 3 Fast Green i Used very little ii Poorly absorbed h Orange B i Used in sausage hot dog casing i Citrus Red No 2 i Used on skins of oranges ii Carcinogenicity concerns Possible Mechanisms for Certified Color Reactions Behavior Allergy Other Stevens LJ Nutr Rev 2014 a Researcher of this study is very concerned with color additives b Says that it may require a daily dose of 50 mg or more i In charts at the beginning soda had the most coloring ii It may be easier than we think to get 50 mg or more of color additives per day c In rats it is needed in HUGE amounts So much that it may not be realistic Food Flavors a Most chemical names are not listed on food labels b FEMA Flavor and Extract Manufacturing Association c JECFA Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives d GRAS Generally Recognized as Safe Safety assessment a Looks mainly at the history of use b Consumption ratio i Ratio of what you would naturally get in food vs the synthetic ii Synthetic natural iii Ei test if the number is ten but not if its 003 c Intake is what is focused on Issues and Challenges a How to asses intake i Over and under estimating is a huge problem ii Disappearance in the market place usually over estimates because it does not take into account the food lost iii Food surveys usually underestimate the exposure because people may not know how much they are being exposed to

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UGA FDNS 4600 - Food Additives and Flavors

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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