BY 124 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture Chapter 43 Cont I To remember II B cells III To kill toxins with B cell system IV Classes of Antibodies V Antibodies are proteins VI Primary and Secondary Response VII Active Immunity VIII IX X XI Passive Immunity Cytotoxic T Cells Figure 43 20 When Immune Response gets confused Outline of Current Lecture Chapter 11 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Cell communication Signaling Figure 11 6 G protein coupled receptor Amplification Phosphorylation Cascade Second Messenger Systems Phospholipase C Hormones Figure 11 18 Steroid Hormones Cell death These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Chapter 45 I II III IV Hormone signaling Water vs Lipid soluble Epinephrine Pituitary Gland Current Lecture Chapter 11 Hint Best way to study this chapter is to look at ALL the diagrams Figure 11 2 Figure 11 3 I Cell communication Figure 11 4 a Gap junctions b Plasmodesmata gap as well c Cell cell regulation II Signaling a Local signaling i Paracrine signaling 1 Sends out signal to neighboring cells to help ii Synaptic signaling b Long distance signaling i Endocrine hormonal signaling 1 Hormone released by cell carried in blood stream III Figure 11 6 a Reception i Activated by signaling ligand b Transduction i Transmitted by relay molecules c Response i Activation of cellular response 1 Cytoskeleton rearrangement gene expression etc IV G protein coupled receptor Figure 11 7 a Remember all characteristics of proteins i Levels primary secondary etc ii N and C end b have signaling molecule binding site on outside c react with bilayer on inside d located in plasma membrane e when bound with GDP it is inactive i GTP will activate receptor on g protein 1 Activates a specific enzyme which does what signal said to do f V VI VII VIII IX X XI G protein can also act as a GTPase which breaks GTP down to GDP so that it can inactivate g Tyrosine kinase receptor i Part of receptor acts as tyrosine kinase receptor ii Each has a ligand binding site in it iii When two monomers are apart it will not react But when combined together to make a dimer the receptors are able to work iv When the receptors work they make ATP into ADP which phosphorylates the tyrosine molecules and this activates relay proteins that elicit cellular response 1 Can cause two responses in the cell h Ion gated ligand channels i Signal comes in and opens gate so ions and come in ii Ions come in and elicit response iii Change in charge closes gates Amplification Figure 11 16 a Do not need to seriously know the details in the graph b Starts with epinephrine c Lots of pathways are activated d Molecule is amplified at each pathway e which in turn will allow for glycogen to create glucose Phosphorylation Cascade Figure 11 10 Second Messenger Systems Figure 11 11 a Cyclic AMP cAMP i ATP adenylyl cyclase cAMP phosphodiesterase AMP ii Figure 11 12 2 b Ca pumps Figure 11 13 i In ER mitochondrial matrix ii High concentration in cell and outside cell but low in cellular fluid Phospholipase C Figure 11 14 a Inositol Hormones Figure 11 15 a Hormone did not enter cell b Did not directly activate c Used receptors Figure 11 18 a Can have many different types of responses b Need a receptor to elicit the response i No receptor no response for that hormone Steroid Hormones Figure 11 9 a Comes into cell where it binds with receptor i Hormone receptor complex b Complex binds to DNA which leads to transcription which leads to new protein XII c Takes longer because it has a lot of steps and has to move a lot Cell death Figure 11 21 a Necrosis when cells that aren t supposed to die start dying b Apoptosis programmed cell death c Have receptor for death signaling molecule i When bound it creates nucleases and proteases that cause the formation of blebs and eventually cell dies Chapter 45 only need to know what is covered in class and what is on syllabus I II III IV Hormone signaling Figure 45 2 a Exocrine b Endocrine c Autocrine cell releases signals that react with itself to do something different d Synaptic e Neuroendocrine signaling f Do all sorts of things g Can also get bigger responses due to amplification Water vs Lipid soluble Figure 45 6 a Water soluble protein comes out of blood stream and finds receptor Binds to receptor which is on outside of cell b Lipid soluble hormones pass through blood stream and fins receptor within cell Epinephrine figure 45 9 a 3 different types of cells i Liver cell 1 binds to beta receptor and causes the breakdown of glycogen into glucose ii Skeletal muscle blood vessel 1 Have beta receptors but no glycogen so this causes vasodilation iii Intestinal blood vessel 1 Has alpha receptor which causes vasodilation when bound Pituitary gland Figure 45 14 a Under hypothalamus b 2 parts i Posterior lobe 1 Comes from neurohypothysis in embryological development 2 Directly attached to hypothalamus that makes hormones 3 Does NOT make hormones Just stored and released from there a ADH goes to kidney tubules b Oxytocin goes to mammary glands and uterine muscles ii Anterior lobe 1 Comes from adenohypothysis in embryological development 2 Makes its own hormones but still directed by hypothalamus a Tropic effects will tell other gland to make hormone i FSH follicle stimulating and LH luteinizing testes or ovaries 1 Respond by producing steroid hormones ii TSH thyroid iii ACTH adrenal cortex b Nontropic effects goes to tissue and tells to respond i Prolactin mammary glands 1 Signals for milk production 2 In other animals it doesn t signal for milk a Fat cell production etc ii MSH Melanocytes c Nontropic and tropic effects i GH liver bones other tissues 1 Nontropic causes cells to grow 2 Tropic tells liver to make insulin like growth factors to signal to something else to grow 3 Acromegaly overgrowth of jaw
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