BY 124 1st Edition Lecture 18 Outline of Last Lecture Chapter 42 I Electrocardiogram II Systems of blood flow III Different types of circulatory systems IV Differences in fetal circulation V Blood VI Blood Composition a Plasma b Cellular elements i RBC 1 Hemoglobin ii Platelets iii WBC Outline of Current Lecture Chapter 43 I Things that the immune system must do II Types of immunity a Innate b Acquired III Lymphatic system Current Lecture Chapter 43 These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute I Things that immune system must do a MUST recognize self b Must recognize non self c Must remember non self II Types of immunity Figure 43 2 a Innate doesn t care what you are just knows that it is non self i All animals ii Rapid response iii Broad range of pathogen recognition iv Barriers external 1 Skin 2 Mucous membranes a Mucous membranes traps stuff so it cannot enter into cell 3 Secretions a Chemicals in tears and saliva called lysozymes breaks down things b Sebum c HCl in stomach kills bacteria in food in stomach v Internal defenses 1 Phagocytic cells all WBCs a Neutrophils 1st on scene b Macrophages biggest help big eater i Activated monocyte ii Figure 43 3 1 Takes in through vacuole vacuole breaks down released iii Figure 43 6 1 Macrophages look for Toll like receptors to aid in recognition of things to eat 2 Mmacrophage will also recognize flagellin humans do not have flagellin so obviously it will be a prokaryotic cell 3 Macrophages recognize lipopolysaccahrides helper proteins 4 Recognize double stranded RNA 2 Natural killer cells type of cytotoxic lymphocyte that is important in innate system a Important in going after cancer cells virus infected cells b Sends out blast of granules that causes cells to lyse 3 Antimicrobial proteins complement important a Have zymogens b Pokes holes in cells and causes to lyse c Attracts WBCs to come in and fight battle d Interferons specific to viruses e bridge between acquired and innate responses 4 Inflammatory response a Figure 43 8 b Basophils and mast cells create histamine c Direct response of histamine vasodilation i Areas get hot and red because there is increased blood flow due to vasodilation ii Swelling capillaries get more permeable and fluid leaves d Prostaglandins make more blood get into area e Macrophages come in and act as clean up crew and will clean up everything left over after the battle f Fever chemicals are released by macrophages and other chemicals are released called pyrogens and both of these will reset thymus which increases temperature Temperature increases because it is another defense against the pathogens because they do not like cannot function at higher temperatures b Acquired i Only occurs in vertebrates ii Very specific pathogen recognition iii Slower response iv Depends on lymphocytes v Humoral response 1 Antibodies defend against infection in body fluids 2 Will respond to a pathogen that is free within the blood tissue fluid 3 B cells vi Cell mediated response 1 Cytotoxic cells defend against infection in body cells 2 Very specific 3 suicide bombers kills our cells in order to kill bad cells 4 T cells vii Lymphocytes Figure 43 10 1 Starts as Lymphoid stem cells can specify into T cells matures in thymus or B cells matures in bone marrow 2 B cells are found in Bursa of Fabricus 3 Found in blood lymph and lymphoid tissues 4 Antigen receptors membrane bound a Binds to something on protein bac venom poison foreign substance responds and becomes activated produces antibodies b Specific c B cell receptor Figure 43 9 i Disulfide bridges holds chains together ii Y shaped iii 2 heavy chains and 2 light chains 1 Constant regions and variable regions a Variable regions only found on light chains and tells cell what to bind to b V region will bind to epitope of a protein on pathogen and will then trigger release of receptors d T cell receptor Figure 43 11 i Alpha and beta chain ii Held together with a disulfide bridge iii Do NOT release receptors iv T cell will bind to a self marker and a non self marker v Major histocompatibility locus MHC molecule 1 Two classes a Class 1 important in distinguishing self and non self b Class 2 found on cells of immune system how they communicate with each other e Two types of T cells i Cytotoxic T cell kills itself in order to destroy bad cells ii Helper T cell calls other cells in to help III Lymphatic system Figure 43 7 a Edema b Swelling is excess of fluid from fluid that does not return into venous side from arterial side of capillary beds c 1 way not circuit d Veins no arteries e Valves f Skeletal muscles help push stuff through g Fluid in lymphatic system lymph i Carry into chest R lymphatic duct or thoracic duct empty into subclavian duct into circulatory system through subclavian vein h Lymphatic organs have produce lymphocytes WBCs i Adenoids ii Tonsils iii Thymus right above heart as you age thymus gets smaller iv Spleen sorts RBCs v Appendix vestigial organ vi Peyer s patches patches in small intestine and lungs Lymph nodes
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