LIFE 103 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture I Seasons II Other stimuli and responses III Defenses against herbivores IV Pathogen defenses I Hypersensitive response II Systemic acquired resistance Outline of Current Lecture I Study techniques II Chapter 35 III Chapter 36 IV Chapter 38 V Chapter 39 VI In class questions I Secondary growth II Meristems III Water potential IV Phytochromes Current Lecture Review Study techniques These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute I II III IV V VI Recopy stuf Study in increments SLEEP How could the notes be turned into an exam 45 questions DIFFERENT CELL TYPES Chapter 35 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII Plants are computers Root types diversity of roots Stolons strawberry plant runners that are connected by modified leaves that are reproductive Modified stems tubers potatoes Stolon vs rhizome I Above ground vs below ground Modified leaves tendrils bulbs reproductive leaves Tissue types fig 35 8 Fig 35 10 I Vessel elements that comprise the xylem and phloem Fig 35 11 Trees get taller from the top so the sign you put up would not go up Growth of the vascular cambium is secondary growth Structure and organization of stem and root tissue as well as lateral root formation Monocot cross section pg 764 Vascular tissues Figure with first second and third growth Fig 35 20 Cork production Section 35 5 shape Microtubules attach to chromosomes and determine orientation of cells Expansin Homeotic genes bind to DNA Fig 35 35 Chapter 36 I II III IV V VI VII 36 2 Apoplastic vs symplastic transport Water potential 36 3 Fig 36 11 Microfibrils generate the force of water on the cell 36 4 why stomata open and close VIII 36 5 Chapter 38 I II III IV V Flower shapes and concepts Fig 38 5 Developments of the seed Section 38 2 Section 38 3 is not on the exam Chapter 39 I II III IV V VI VII Section 39 1 Table 39 1 only through ethylene not brassinosteroids or jasmonates Basically all of chapter 39 Long day short day plants Section 39 4 Section 39 5 Fig 39 27 In Class Questions Secondary growth meristems I II III IV Plants achieve growth through division in two cells I Primary growth leads to a change in height i Happens in apical meristem apex end tip ii Cells are formed through division and then juice is added through zone of elongation and their force leads to longer stems II Secondary growth leads to a change in girth circumference i Vascular cambium produces secondary xylem and phloem III What happens to primary xylem and phloem i Between them is the vascular cambium ii Less significant because they are not changing the shape as much IV Bark goes all the way to the vascular cambium Pericycle only lateral roots Dicots do not have a vascular cambium Woody plants only have vascular cambium Water potential I II III IV Total amount of water potential is the sum of two parts solute pressure potential Psi is the Greek letter that is used When you add a sugar to water you reduce the concentration of free water Water can also exist as hydrogen bonded V VI VII VIII IX Free water vs water stuck Reduced concentration of free water leads to osmosis Water moves toward more negative water potential less concentration of free water Water vapor is not osmosis Solutes cannot move freely across a membrane Phytochromes I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII Protein that has a grey square that is sensitive to diferent energy of photons Two kinds of light that can be absorbed red and far red Far red farthest that our eyes can detect almost infrared Regular sunlight has more red than far red PR red absorbs red and turns into far red PFR far red degrades into PR over time Clock is used to get back to concentrations Photons just hang there Long day plant sensitive to short night Short day plant sensitive to long night Cue of concentration of PFR tells plant when to flower Chlorophyll absorbs red light High abundance of far red light indicates that it s at the bottom of the canopy Apoplast Symplast I II III IV V VI VII VIII Type of spaces found within a cell s body and movement of materials Inside cell membrane symplast Cell membranes of adjacent cells are connected by plasmodesmata to make the cytoplasm continuous between cells Apoplastic dead no cytoplasm no cell membrane xylem cells just tubes Barrier Casparian strip that requires every ion to go through every cell membrane before going up the xylem Ions that move up xylem in apoplastic space calcium nitrate etc that are used to construct new leaves or tissues up Casparian strip waxy barrier formed over the endodermis Cuticle outer waxy layer that covers the leaves and prevents water loss
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