BY 124 9th Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture Chapter 34 cont I II Mammals a Characteristics b 3 groups c Order Primates Humans a Characteristics b Factors that allows for bipedalism c Phylogenic tree Outline of Current Lecture Chapter 41 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Essential Compounds Enzymatic Hydrolysis Groups How animals feed The appearance of an alimentary canal Processing stages What is food In mouth Crucial diagram for studying Current Lecture Chapter 41 Animal Nutrition I II III Essential compounds a Vitamins b Minerals c Must break these down so that they can be used i Hydrolysis Enzymatic Hydrolysis a Why We need fuel ATP i Need these raw materials amino acids etc ii Essential nutrients vitamins Groups a Nonphotosynthetic bacteria IV V VI VII VIII b Nonphotosynthetic protists protozoa i Paramecium c Fungi d Animals How animals feed a Suspension feeds and filter feeders i Ex Whale use baleen b Substrate feeders i Ex Some caterpillars c Fluid feeders i Ex Mosquitoes some spiders d Bulk feeders i Ex Some snakes The appearance of an alimentary canal Figure 41 8 a Two openings comes in one and leaves in another b Crop stomach storage c Gizzard grinder for food because birds do not have teeth d Some creatures have large folds to increase surface area of the gut so that it can be absorbed quicker Processing stages a Ingestion b Digestion i Mechanical and chemical c Absorption i Nutrient molecules enter body cells d Elimination i Undigested material What is food a Look at it Is it food b Smell it Does it smell good c Taste it Does it taste good d Does it feel right What is the texture like e Is it the right temperature Too hot cold f You can change as you age In mouth Figure 41 9 a Study the figure b Gums teeth cheeks i Teeth humans have 32 teeth 1 4 incisors used for biting 2 2 canines used for tearing 3 4 flat premolars used for grinding 4 6 very flat molars used for crushing ii Parts of the tooth IX 1 Enamel on top hard calcium substance hardest substance in your body 2 Dentine underneath thick and bone like 3 Pulp majority of blood vessels and nerves iii Figure 41 16 how teeth change relative to the type of food they eat c Palette on top of mouth i 2 parts 1 Hard palette bony 2 Soft palette muscular a Ends at uvula ii Purpose 1 Separates nasal cavity d Salivary glands produce saliva i Major glands 1 Watering helps dissolve dry foods 2 Slimy use mucin sticks parts of food together into a bolus ii Helps move food down throat iii Cleans mouth iv Moistens tongue for speech v Buffers in saliva vi Antimicrobial agent in saliva vii Produce about 1 5 liters of saliva a day viii Locations 1 Parotid 2 Sublingual Under tongue a Produce both types of saliva 3 Submandibular Under jaw a Produce both types of saliva CRUCIAL DIAGRAM Figure 41 12 a Starts in mouth i Have salivary amylase used to break down polysaccharides into smaller disaccharides like maltose 1 Only type of digestion that goes on in the mouth ii pH in mouth is about 6 iii tongue moves bolus down throat into pharynx b swallow i close all of tubes except the one leading to stomach Figure 41 10 1 nasopharyngeal opening closes 2 glottis closes a epiglottis blocks glottis from esophagus c in esophagus i peristalsis relaxing and tensing of muscles that carries food down 1 mostly involuntary d stomach i Figure 40 6 1 Mucosa a Epithelial layer that lines lumen 2 Submucosa a Matrix of connective tissue 3 Muscularis a Smooth muscle and tissue 4 Serosa a Nerves ii Holds about 2L of fluid iii Folds of epithelial tissue called rugae which help increase surface area iv J shaped v Regions 1 Cardiac region top of stomach a Cardiac sphincter stuff comes in 2 Fundus rounded area 3 Pyloric region bottom a Pyloric sphincter where stuff exits
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