PSY 213 1st Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I How language develops II Biological Influences III Environmental Influences IV Interactionist View V Emotional Development VI Temperament Outline of Current Lecture I Body Growth and Change II Nutrition and Exercise III Illness and Death IV Piaget s Preoperational Stage V Substages of Preoperational Thought VI Vygotsky s Theory Current Lecture I Body Growth and Change Height and weight a Average growth b Growth patterns vary individually c Important contributors to height differences These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute i Ethnic origin ii Nutrition The brain d Does not grow as rapidly during early childhood as in infancy i Undergoes remarkable changes e From 3 to 6 years of age f Rapid distinct spurts of growth in the frontal lobes g Myelination Process through which axons are covered with a layer of fat cells II Nutrition and Exercise Overweight young children a Serious health problems in early childhood b Strongly influenced by caregivers behavior c Determined by body mass index U S has second highest rate of childhood obesity Exercise d Young children should engage in physical activity every day Malnutrition in young children from low income families III Illness and Death The United States a Leading causes of death in U S children are i Motor vehicle accidents ii Cancer iii Cardiovascular disease Parental smoking a major danger IV Piaget s Preoperational Stage Preoperational stage Piaget s second stage a Ages 2 to 7 years b Children represent the world with words images and drawings i Form stable concepts and begin to reason ii Cognitions are dominated by egocentrism and magical beliefs Operations Reversible mental actions Allow children to do mentally what they formerly did physically V Substages of Preoperational Thought Symbolic function substage Child gains the ability to mentally represent an object that is not present a Occurs roughly between the ages of 2 and 4 b Limitations i Egocentrism Inability to distinguish one s own perspective from someone else s ii Animism Belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities and are capable of action VI Vygotsky s Theory Social constructivist approach Emphasizes a Social contexts of learning b Construction of knowledge through social interaction Zone of proximal development ZPD Range of tasks that are too difficult for the child alone but that can be learned with guidance Scaffolding Changing the level of support
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