CSU LIFE 103 - Plant Structure and Development Continued

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LIFE 103 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture II Main Sections a Anatomy b Growth III Main Plant Organs a Roots b Stems c Leaves IV Terms to look up V 3 Tissues a Dermal b Vascular c Ground VI Plant Development VII Meristems VIII Fig 35 11 IX Fig 35 12 X Primary Growth XI Secondary Growth XII Root Growth Outline of Current Lecture I Root Growth II Shoot Growth III Secondary Growth IV Tree Rings V Living Things as Machines Current Lecture Plant Structure and Development II III VI Meristems I Apical II Vascular These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III Cork cambium Root Growth II I II III IV V VI VII Pericycle vascular bundle stele surrounded by a ring of endodermis cells I Notice how monocot and eudicot pericycles differ Lateral roots emerge from the endodermis I Necessary so that lateral roots are connected to vascular network Fig 35 14 Monocots wherever they want Eudicots more organized with tissue Fig 35 15 I Death of epidermal cells is part of the way developmental biology works shed to serve the plant Fig 35 16 I Differentiated cell types emerge from the top II Darker because so concentrated with cells Shoot Growth I II III IV Leaf primordia embryonic leaf tissues that develop into leaves Shoot apical meristem produces leaf primordia and axillary bud meristems Shoot elongation I Most plants lengthening of cells beneath the shoot tip II Grasses intercalary meristem at the leaf base pushes new tissue up i Helps grasses endure grazing Monocot Intercalary Meristem diagram bamboo Secondary Growth I II III IV V VI Growth and development at the apical meristem produces primary phloem and xylem Vascular cambium produces xylem inside and phloem outside Increased girth caused by vascular cambium growth causes outer layers to rupture Cork cambium a second cambium that forms on the cortex or outside the secondary phloem I Produces cork cells that replace the epidermis Bark periderm cork cambium cork secondary phloem Fig 35 19 Tree Rings I II III IV V Wood layers and layers of secondary xylem In temperate parts of the world growth is seasonal Early wood produced in Spring I Large diameter secondary xylem cells II Maximizes water delivery to growing leaves Late wood produced during late summer and early fall I Smaller diameter thick walled cells Rings of growth larger in warmer wetter years Clicker question cell division in the vascular cambium means more cells in the vascular cambium secondary phloem and secondary xylem I Vascular cambium can ONLY produce secondary tissues apical meristem produces ONLY primary tissues Clicker question this layer of cells protects a meristem Root cap Living Things as Machines II III IV V Molecular biology I Gene expression i DNA transcription translation proteins II Function of proteins for making cells work Developmental biology I Molecular and cellular process by which cells differentiate and organize to form tissues and organs Physiology I Function physical chemical of tissues and organs Ecology I Interactions of whole organisms with each other and their environment

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CSU LIFE 103 - Plant Structure and Development Continued

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