UGC 111 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 5 Lecture 1 January 28 Early Human Development Homo sapiens Human migrations Paleolithic Old Stone Age Neolithic New Stone Age What are some characteristics of the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras Paleolithic Era Hunter gatherers Handmade tools Caves lived in sedentary cave paintings Neolithic Era Domesticated crops and animals Stonehenge Lecture 2 February 4 Mesopotamia The fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers home to the earliest known cities The cities were constantly fighting for who would be in control Every city had its own gods a very popular god was Shamash the Sun God The Enuma Elish was written this explained the story of Marduk patron God of the second generation of gods who defeated Tiamat patron God of the first generation of gods who wanted to destroy the second generation They had their own dynasties such as Sumerian Ur Akkadian Agade Babylonian Babylon and Assyrian Nineveh States They domesticated crops meaning they were farmers which allowed for population growth due to the steady food source They had political organization similar to that of today country state county legislature States each had a leader different from a village because the leader had coercive power Stratified social structure King and his court nobility common people slaves Cities were large and organized with the King and the temples in the center fortification walls and extravagant gates Cuneiform was their form of writing Hammurabi s Code dictated punishments for crimes Eye for an eye Lecture 3 February 9 Egypt Second major ancient civilization after Mesopotamia located on the Nile River Rosetta Stone a treaty written in three different languages Egyptian hieroglyphs Egyptian cursive and ancient Greek which provided the modern day interpretation of hieroglyphics Stratified social structure King Pharaoh Pharaoh s court Egyptian nobility artisans craftsman peasantry Pharaoh s were considered divine living gods protected by Horus God of the Sky They played the roles of commander in chief shepherd of the people protector of social justice Ma at After a pharaoh died his soul Ka remained and tombs were built to protect them The pyramids were those tombs used to protect the Ka and the body of pharaohs after they passed In the afterlife Paradise was their heaven which always had plentiful food that grew nonstop Nobility were buried in tombs covered in paintings to keep the Ka entertained The feather stood for social justice and was used for final judgment of a person Lecture 4 February 11 Ancient Israel Patriarchal Era Joseph was the pharaoh he died then a new pharaoh came in and forced people to do labor Exodus Pharaoh would not let the people be free so God threatened to send plagues He wouldn t change his mind so God sent plagues and an Angel of Death to kill all of the first born children but warned the Hebrews told them to sacrifice a lamb and eat it so all of the first born children died except Hebrews still a tradition known as Passover Moses parted the Red Sea and the pharaoh changed his mind Hebrews went to Mt Sinai with Moses and many miracles took place God gave Moses the 10 Commandments Moses died and Joshua succeeded him Joshua destroyed the walls of Jericho and took the town Philistines were their natural enemy so they elected a military leader Saul but he was scared of Goliath His son David offered to take over and fight Goliath and after became the next King of Israel David chose the capital Jerusalem David liked a woman and arranged for her husband to be put on the front line and killed so that he could have her was publicly rebuked for this but Nathan prophet He was succeeded by his son Solomon who built the first temple and also allowed Israelites to assimilate and worship other gods Split Kingdom of Judah and Kingdom of Israel then the fall of the Assyrian Empire Babylonian Exile Conquered Jerusalem and took captives Return Annexed into Roman Empire Emperor Hadrian outlawed worship King Herod built the second temple in Jerusalem Israel became Judea Jesus rose up against authorities Romans executed prisoners siege of Jerusalem Jews went to Masada and built a fortified town only for the Romans to break in so the Jews committed suicide to avoid being killed by the Romans Uprisings continued until Hadrian had enough and exiled the Jews from Israel and no worship was allowed They set up their own place to live and built synagogues and Rabbis Beginning of writing the Torah Do unto others as you want done to yourself Lecture 5 February 16 Judaism deformed conservative orthodox strictest Strictly monotheistic God is one No central dogma all have different opinions Large emphasis on writing Believe in a messiah The Torah consisted of statements made by God to Moses The Talmud morals rights and rules Jews were separated into groups men women and priests They were forced to leave Jerusalem Jews were banned from Spain Portugal and Sicily and forced into ghettos where they were allowed to live Writings Torah Genesis Exodus Numbers Leviticus Deuteronomy Authors Province of Judea Temple Sanhedrin Sadducces Pharisees Essenes Zealots Diaspora Synagogue of Dura Europos Syria 245 AD Talmud Maimonides 1190 Zionism
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