UB UGC 111 - Judaism

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UGC 111 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Egyptian beliefs of the afterlife cont II Ancient Israel Outline of Current Lecture III Judaism IV Writings of Judaism Current Lecture Judaism Torah Genesis Exodus Numbers Leviticus Deuteronomy Authors o Consists of statements God made to Moses o Leviticus laws about sacrifice food and cleanliness Romans elect King Herod he reconstructs the temple o Temple separates Jews from the rest o Jews were separated into groups men women priests Sanhedrin ancient Jewish court system Hermits isolated community of celibate males o Were waiting for the coming of the messiah Jews were forced to leave Jerusalem lost connection with Sanhedrin Rabbi became local interpreter of the laws Synagogue in Syria had its walls painted with Jewish history some paintings o Ex 1 Philistines bring the Arc of the Covenant to their own temple next morning the statue of their God was beheaded and they switched faiths into believing in Christianity o Ex 2 Moses appoints Aaron as the first high priest o Ex 3 David is appointed the new King of Israel by the priest Samuel Talmud morals rights rules Judaism deformed conservative orthodox strictest o Strictly monotheistic God is one o No central dogma all have different opinions o Large emphasis on writing These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Believe in a messiah Miraculous leader Will reunite Israel Will come when there is peace everywhere Jews were prosecuted across Europe o Banned from Spain Portugal and Sicily o In the towns they were allowed to live in they were forced into ghettos in which they were locked in at night Writings of Judaism Torah Genesis Exodus Numbers Leviticus Deuteronomy Authors Province of Judea Temple Sanhedrin Sadducces Pharisees Essenes Zealots Diaspora Synagogue of Dura Europos Syria 245 AD Talmud Maimonides 1190 Zionism Authors of the Jewish Bible o E 922 722 BC wrote parts of Genesis Exodus Leviticus and Numbers Refers to God as EL From Israel north o J 848 722 BC wrote parts of Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Refers to God as Jaweh From Judah south o P 722 609 BC wrote parts of Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers that deal with rituals P Priestly o D 640 609 BC wrote Deuteronomy Joshua Ruth Samuel Judges Kings Describes strict laws death for adultery idolatry

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UB UGC 111 - Judaism

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