Life 103 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 9 Lecture 1 January 21 Studying the Biology of Organisms 1 The diversity of life patterns 2 How plants work mechanisms 3 How animals work mechanisms 4 Understanding these patterns and mechanisms is critical for being a broadly trained biologist Breadth and depth Details matter when analyzing patterns in diversity Syllabus Information Prof Joe von Fischer plants first half Dr Tanya Dewey animals second half Lecture notes are skeletal Grades are split 75 25 between lecture and lab 3 regular exams 1 comprehensive final Lowest score on exam is dropped but final is required Must have ID for exams Career Prep Be willing to study new things network and get involved in lots of topics Be a nerd Lecture 2 January 23 Life used to be organized in bins by Carl Linnaeus the father of taxonomy There to avoid confusion Process is far from done Hierarchical structure Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Binomial Classification scientific name of each species genus then species helps avoid confusion Recent Major Revisions Before 1969 3 Kingdoms Plants animals protists 1969 to 1990 5 kingdoms Plants animals fungi protists monera bacteria etc 1990 3 domains Eukarya Archaea first two most closely related because of rRNA genes Bacteria Horizontal Gene Transfer the movement of genes from one genome to another complicates organizing the tree of life Endosymbiotic Theory mitochondria and chloroplasts in Eukaryotes came from symbiotic bacteria Lecture 3 January 26 Why do we know so little about Bacteria and Archaea Small 99 of all are unculturable which is how we learn Very diverse can live in almost any environment Oxygen not needed for all can use other compounds oxygen metabolism Major Nutritional Modes Mode of Nutrition Autotroph Photo autotroph Chemo autotroph Heterotroph Photo heterotroph Chemo heterotroph Energy Source Carbon Source Light Inorganic Compounds CO2 CO2 Light Organic compounds Organic Compounds Organic compounds What traits allow such diversity Small size Rapid generation time some 20 minutes generation time Endospores durable resting stage to wait out hard times Small light spores are easily dispersed to new habitats Horizontal gene transfer Parent offspring vertical gene transfer Horizontal gene transfer in depth bacteria contain additional DNA on plasmids that are Bacteria include the majority of prokaryotes that we know of Example pathogen that causes bubonic plague spread through fleas rodents can go to humans Archaea the extremophiles grow in very salty high temperatures no oxygen necessary Example Methane producer that produces greenhouse gas methane lives in wetlands and is rich in decomposing organic matter TABLE 27 2 Lecture 4 January 28 Where do Fungi get their Energy Heterotroph other feed consume organic carbon Saprophytic rotten plant digestive enzymes excreted reabsorbed grow into their food Mycorrhizal fungus plant relationship with plants Parasitic take energy from a living host Symbiotic lichens Anatomy Single celled yeast but many are multi cellular Chitin strong flexible cell wall material Hyphae tiny filaments with very high surface area Mycelium interwoven mass of hyphae like dreadlocks Sex Plasmogamy plasma join when cytoplasms of two parents merge but nuclei do not Heterokaryonic different nuclei containing unfused nuclei within a mycelium Karyogamy nuclei join when nuclei from parents join result diploid Important Groups Zygomycetes Bread molds Glomeromycetes Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis with plant roots Higher Fungi Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Lecture 5 January 30 Protists are the evolutionary junk drawer but the one thing they all have in common is that they re eukaryotes 4 super groups Excavata SAR clade Archaeplastida Unikonta Excavata Excavated groove on body 3 monophyletic groups Diplomonads lack plastids unique mitochondria parasitic Parabasalids lack plastids unique mitochondria parasitic Euglenozoans mix of feeding types all have a rod with either a spiral or crystal in their flagella have eyespots SAR Clade three major clades Stramenophiles hairy flagella include diatoms gold and brown algae photosynthetic Alveolates membrane sacs include Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans and ciliates Rhizarians Cercozoans radiolarians forams have pseudopodia and cytoplasmic streaming Archaeplastida closest to modern land plants because all photosynthetic includes red and green algae Unikonts most like animals and fungus have normal mitochondria two major groups Amoebazoans slime molds Opisthokonts Importance Symbiotic protists Photosynthetic protists Lecture 6 February 2 Reproduce ultimate goal of life but eating growing and avoiding dying are also important Derived Traits of Land Plants Alternation of generations and multicellular dependent embryos Walled spores produced in sporangia Multicellular reproductive structures gametangia Linear growth from root and shoot tips Apical meristems Benefits of Haploidy I Deleterious mutations eliminated more quickly in haploid populations Costs of Haploidy II All deleterious mutations are exposed III Higher death rate of haploids Benefits of Diploidy Costs of Diploidy I Spare allele protects against I Double mutation rate 2 copies of each deleterious mutations allele II Greater genetic diversity brings faster II Both beneficial and deleterious adaptation to new environments mutations are more likely III Crossing over during meiosis can bring III Nutritional demands higher with beneficial alleles together homologous greater DNA content pairs of chromosomes switch IV Diploid cells often larger Gametophyte gamete producing plant HAPLOID produces haploid gametes produced by mitosis fuse to form diploid zygote Sporophyte spore producing plant DIPLOID produces haploid spores by meiosis spores grow into haploid gametophytes Major groups of Land plants Nonvascular plants Seedless vascular plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms Nonvascular plants Three phyla of Bryophytes Liverworts Hornworts mosses phylum Bryophyta Lecture 7 February 4 Moss Anatomy Antheridia flowery small one structure that releases sperm Archegonium begin procreation structure produces and houses egg zygote Gametophyte is bigger dominant life stage Moss Ecology found in wetlands contributing to climate change Fern Anatomy Life cycle dominated by sporophyte diploid Mature gametophyte haploid releases both eggs and sperm Spots on underside of fern leaves sorus collection of sporangia Derived traits of Seedless
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