CSU LIFE 103 - Protists

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LIFE 103 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture II How to Study for this Class III Where do Fungi get their Energy a Carbon b Grows into food c Plant fungal interactions d Parasitic e Symbiotic IV Anatomy of a Fungi V Sex VI Diversity a Examples Outline of Current Lecture VII Basics of Protists VIII 4 Different Supergroups a Excavata b SAR clade c Archaeplastida d Unikonta IX Why Care Current Lecture Protists The Junk Drawer of Taxonomy Most Eukaryotes are single celled organisms I II Eukaryotes have I Membrane bound organelles Cytoskeleton within cells I Movement and structure Protists are the junk drawer of evolutionary taxonomy III IV 4 supergroups within Eukarya Diverse I Feeding strategies II Reproduction strategies These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V The thing protists have in common is that they are all eukaryotes Endosymbiosis I II Root words I Endo within or inside II Sym with III Biosis life IV Life within life Mitochondria and Plastids I Contain their own DNA II Special membrane structure Protist Diversity III 4 super groups I Excavata II SAR clade III Archaeplastida IV Unikonta V Fig 28 2 Excavata IV V VI VII Excavated groove on body 3 monophyletic groups I Diplomonads II Parabasalids III Euglenozoans Diplomonads and Parabasalids I Lack plastids and have very unique mitochondria i Can produce hydrogen gas as a byproduct of respiration II Parasitic i Ex Giardia intestinalis Euglenazoa I Mix of feeding types II All have a rod with either a spiral or crystal in their flagella i Typanosoma III Eyespots SAR Clade I Three major clades I Stramenophiles II Alveolates II III IV V II III III Rhizarians Stramenophiles straw hair I Hairy flagella II Diatoms gold and brown algae i Diatoms used in many commercial products ii Estimated 100 000 extant diatom species iii SiO2 casing III Photosynthetic Alveolates membrane sacs I Membrane bound sacs under the cellular membrane called alveoli II Dinoflagellates i Armored cells ii Red tides III Apicomplexans i All parasites named for structures used to attack host cells ii I e Plasmodium cause malaria IV Ciliates i Paramecium Rhizarians I Cercozoans radiolarians forams II Pseudopodia and cytoplasmic streaming through hair like appendages SAR Clade Rhizarians Radiolarans I Radial symmetry i Thread like pseudopods ii Major player in ocean ecosystems iii Heterotrophic a Use pseudopods to capture and funnel pray towards center f body for consumption not unlike starfish SAR Clade Rhizarians Foramineferans I Little hole bearer Latin translation II Ancient i We used foram fossils to determine how warm the oceans used to be III Abundant i Most forams we have IDs for are fossils IV Capture algae and live off of their photosynthetic products SAR Clade Rhizarians Cercozoans I Phagocytosis for feeding i Case for endosymbiosis Paulinella a Engulfed ancient bacteria II Parasites and predators Archaeplastida I 3rd supergroup II III IV V Parent group of modern land plants I All photosynthetic Consist of I Red algae II Green algae Red Algae I Uses a red pigment phycoerythrin to absorb blue and green light i Blue light penetrates deeper into the ocean than other wavelengths so red algae have been found as deep as 260 m 853 ft ii Used in sushi and a variety of other foods iii Mostly multicellular but lack true tissues due to no specialization of cells think Legos Green Algae I Similar pigments to land plants i Land plants share a common ancestor with green algae ii New biotech applications II Some discussion of including them in the true plant group III Two subgroups i Charophytes very similar to land plants ii Chlorophytes I Forms colonies II Forms multicellular bodies III Multinucleate cells Unikonts I II III IV Most animal and fungus like protists I More evolutionary similar than other protists Possess typical mitochondria Two major groups I Amoebazoans II Opisthokonts Amoebazoans I Slime molds i Super cell body I Both individual cells or one massive cell ii Can navigate through an environment iii Team players I Not everyone gets to reproduce II Tubulinds i Abundant important and not terribly interesting III Entamoebas i Parasitic V ii Cause of amoebic dysentery which causes 100 000 deaths a year across the planet Opisthokonts I Contain the protists most closely related to fungi and animals So why do We Care about Protists I II Symbiotic protists I Termite gut symbionts II Dinoflagellates and coral Photosynthetic protists I Foundation of food webs i It is estimated that 30 of the planets photosynthesis is performed by protists ii This paradigm could be upset through continued warming and acidification of the ocean

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CSU LIFE 103 - Protists

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