PSY 213 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Methods for collecting data II Research design III Time span of research IV Conducting ethical research Outline of Current Lecture I Evolutionary Psychology II Genetic Foundations of Development III Genes and Chromosomes IV Genetic Principles V Sex Linked Chromosome Abnormalities Current Lecture I Evolutionary Psychology Emphasizes the importance of adaptation reproduction and survival of the fittest in shaping behavior Evolutionary developmental psychology Adaptation in order to continue to survive organisms animals or people have to learn how to adapt to your environment All of our behaviors have evolved The reason we have the behaviors we do is because they have withstood the test of time These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute WE HAVE TO ADAPT II Genetic Foundations of Development Human life begins as a single cell pregnancy begins with a single cell Nucleus of each cell contains chromosomes have our DNA Genes Units of hereditary information are short segments of DNA DNA genetic blueprint for development Human genome consists of many genes that collaborate entire set of genes that we have We have about 20 500 genes Activity of genes is affected by their environment things like stress radiation and extreme temperature The environment can turn on a gene III Genes and Chromosomes Mitosis meiosis and fertilization a Mitosis Reproduction of cells we all have or born with 23 pairs of cells or 46 total It s the 23rd pair that determines what sex XY male XX female b Meiosis Cell division that forms sperm and eggs gametes c Fertilization A stage in reproduction when an egg and a sperm fuse to create a single cell called a zygote Zygote is the very beginning stage of pregnancy Sources of variability d Combining the genes of two parents in off spring increases genetic variability we are not clones of our parents e Important sources of variability i Chromosomes in the zygote are NOT exact copies of those in the mother s ovaries and the father s testes ii DNA Mutated gene Permanently altered segment of DNA f Genotype genetic heritage All genetic material we have Genetic make up Not directly observable Susceptibility genes make us more venerable to certain things like diseases Longevity genes makes us less likely to get certain diseases or to live to a greater age g Phenotype observable characteristics Hair color eye color skin color Genotypes affect this IV Genetic Principles Dominant and recessive genes principle a One gene of a pair always exerts its effects dominant overriding the potential influence of the other gene recessive if you have a recessive and dominate gene dominate takes over If you inherit two recessive genes Sex linked genes b When a mutated gene is carried on the X chromosome the result is called Xlinked inheritance A lot of diseases are carried on and X chromosome Polygenic inheritance c Polygenically determined by the interaction of many different genes Our smartness is created by multiple genes not just one d Gene gene interaction V Sex Linked Chromosome Abnormalities Klinefelter syndrome Genetic disorder in which males have an extra X chromosome making them XXY instead of XY They are well above average height Body fat distribution resembles women s At puberty incomplete sex organ development They re sterile Fragile X syndrome Genetic disorder that results from an abnormality in the X chromosome which becomes constricted and often breaks off Intellectual disabilities some diagnosed with autism impulsivity ADHD lack of social skills Turner syndrome Chromosome disorder in females in which either an X chromosome is missing making the person XO instead of XX or part of one X chromosome is deleted Physical defects abnormally short body type webbed looking neck incomplete sexual development at puberty and sterile XYY syndrome Chromosomal disorder in which the male has an extra Y chromosome Above average height Teeth are larger severer acne intelligent sexual development in puberty and not sterile
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