SU HOA 106 - Dutch Baroque
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HOA 105 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture II Baroque Styles III Ideas a Absolutism b Academicism IV Art and Architecture a Peter Paul Rubens and court of Marie de Medici b The court of Louis XIV at Versailles i All of Versailles c Gianlorenzeo Bernini and his art d Academic painting under Louis XIV V Music at Versailles a French Overture Outline of Current Lecture VI History and Ideas A Protestantism B Domesticity C Capitalism D The Rise of Bourgeois E Scientific Revolution VII Two Dutch Artists a Vermeer b Rembrandt VIII Music a harpsichord Current Lecture Lecture 1 27 15 Dutch Baroque History and Ideas o Protestantism These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Calvinists disapproved of religious art in churches Many formerly catholic churches were whitewashed and their religious art covered up Saenredam Interior of the Choir of St Bavo s Cathedral at Haarlem oil on canvas o Was once a great catholic church exemplifies white washed protestant church Domesticity Art was produced to adorn private homes instead of public churches de Hooch Mother and Child oil on canvas size and scale were smaller to fit on walls daily life genre scenes mother checking for lice Steen the Merry Family oil on canvas Happy well fed family Not wealthy Man holding glass is supposed to be portrait of painter Reminds viewers that they are lucky to be living in the Netherlands Netscher The Lace Maker oil on canvas Depicts the domestic sphere of women Exemplifies family values and idyllic domestic life for dutch women Hals Married Couple in a Garden Portrait of Isaac Massa and Beatrix van der Laen oil on canvas The idea of companionate marriage based on love and personal attraction assure the home as a man s castle and marriage as a voluntary choice for women o Capitalism Money depicted how prominent you were in society The Dutch were a nation of explorers and businessmen colonizing the Americas south Africa and the Caribbean The first idea of stock exchange was established in Antwerp as a way of gambling on the success of venture Vermeer The Geographer oil on canvas o Plotting a course of exploration business trip The rise of the Bourgeois middle class Social status was based on wealth and achievement de Hooch Portrait of a Family Making Music oil on canvas Artistic subject matter expanded with the need to extol the privileged middle class Kalf still life Still Life With a Chinese Jar oil on canvas van Ruisdael landscape Bleaching Grounds Near Haarlem oil on canvas Genre scenes Steen In the Tavern oil on canvas Portraits de Keyser Portrait of a Man oil on panel o Women were allowed greater freedom as professionals as their artistic talents became gradually acknowledged Maria van Oosterwyck Vanitas Still Life oil on canvas Judith Leyster Self Portrait oil on canvas o o People were proud of how they looked Stopped painting once married The scientific revolution Protestant dominance and the establishment of secular academies of science old paradigms were weakened Switch from Geocentric Heliocentric Universe o Direct opposition of what the catholic church wanted people to believe Despite scientific progress the myth of the wandering womb women were still believed to be weaker The uterus wandered because it was hungry Steen Lovesick Woman oil on canvas o Women who is sick because she isn t having sex Two Dutch artists with contrasting styles o Johannas Vermeer Fewer than 40 paintings of his own are known to exist Worked in Delft Owned and managed a tavern in addition to being a painter Subjects are concerned with domestic environment and women engaged in private moments and everyday tasks Woman Holding a Balance oil on canvas o o Weighing something standing in front of painting of last judgment Woman Holding a Water Jug oil on canvas Used a camera obscura Early photographic device before the invention of film Gives out of focus effects and dots of confusion and the looming size of figures at the frontal plane Officer and a Laughing Girl View of Delft Was killed in an explosion Rembrandt van Rijn Worked in Amsterdam led an active workshop Many of his students became famous Anti classical style marked by loose brushstrokes drama emotion The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Tulp oil on canvas corporation portrait showing medical students of dr tulp Group portrait and genre scene The Night Watch oil on canvas Group portrait which recalls the earlier military purpose of such civic organizations Was restored after being attacked by a mentally unstable vandal Christ Healing the Sick etching The hundred guilder print Inserts the faces of figures of common people who lived in his neighborhood in this biblical scene Self Portraits Not created out of vanity but in the context of Descartes new theories on the separation of body and mind and the function of human emotions Chronicle the events of his life and the effects of fame and fortune revealed in his expressive face o Self Portrait 1629 o Self Portrait 1658 o After bankruptcy Self Portrait as an Old Man After the death of his wife Self Portrait 1658 o Youthful animation light effects Suggest resignation the year of his death Music o Musical instruments The harpsichord mechanized keyboard instrument in which keys are plucked when a key is pressed

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