UGA GEOG 1101 - Globalization
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GEOG 1101 Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture I Geographical Knowledge II Hearth Areas a Requirements of earth areas b Slash and Burn c Formation of Settlements III Pre Modern Economies a Mini systems b World Empires i Influential World empires c World system i Tools for Developing the world System IV Development of the World System a Core b Semi Periphery c Periphery V Technology and Innovation a Hegemony VI Classification of world economies Outline of Current Lecture I Globalization II Views on Globalization III Key Issues on Globalization IV Jihad vs McCord V Bhutan Current Lecture Globalization Increasing interconnectedness through common processes of economic environmental political and cultural change processes Shared culture economy etc Not always voluntary can be forced upon people by trade barriers power etc Transnational Supranational Organizations Allow for globalization to happen These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Transnational corporation A firm with activities that cross national state boundaries Headquarters in one place and operations in another Ex Monsanto Nike Apple Supra National Organization Individual states that work collectively toward political and economic objectives diminishes state sovereignty independence Ex Asian countries that work together to pool resources to build manufacturing sector UN Neoliberalism philosophy focused on reducing the role of government in economic activities privatization of formerly publicly owned entities Utilities roads etc The deregulation of industries which happened in 1980 s Views on Globalization Hyperglobalist More people more global connections lead to more prosperity More global is better Skeptical Globalization is nothing new More inequality makes more problems We have all been here before Transformationalist Globalization is new contradictory and challenging Will create change in unpredictable positive and negate ways Balanced View Key Issues of Globalization Environment Pollution global warming ozone depletion Affects everyone no matter if they were involved or not Health Due to world trade and world traveling Overuse of antibiotics HIV AIDS SARS Antibiotic resistant TB Security Terrorism civil war regional instability Global Terror networks the Internet will be the next channel of terrorism The more universal material culture becomes the more valuable ethnic and regional identities become The more transnational corporations dominate economic and social life the more sensitive people become to local difference FTAA free trade agreement of Americas includes north and South America everything except Cuba OPEC Middle East oil producing countries Asia Pacific economic Cooperation is the blue dots South Asia trade Organization is in red Includes Vietnam and Southeast Asian countries OECD US Australia Europe Most cars are produced in Southeast Asia even if it is American the parts of the car are manufactured else where and it is assembled in US Pepsi and coke have taken over beverage markets in India replacing smaller industries People want to eat local Jihad vs McWorld Jihad Tribalism cultural values associated with religious fundamentalism traditional tribal allegiances opposition to western materialism McWorld Globalism pop culture and shallow materialism of western culture Bhutan Placed between china and India Been a monarchy for a long time Ranked very high in Quality of Life happiest country in the world Very isolated not much outside influence for all of its history Film is about how Bhutan changed when it opened to television How does Bhutan s sense of place change They had religious practices family values lack of technology and all this changed with TV and impacted their sense of place After seeing all the violence around the world they felt as if they are the most peaceful place in the world

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