GEOG 1101 Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Scale II Territory III Sovereignty IV Boundaries V Globalization VI Laws of Geography Geographical Knowledge I Geographical Knowledge II Hearth Areas a Requirements of earth areas b Slash and Burn c Formation of Settlements III Pre Modern Economies a Mini systems b World Empires i Influential World empires c World system i Tools for Developing the world System IV Development of the World System a Core b Semi Periphery c Periphery V Technology and Innovation a Hegemony VI Classification of world economies Current Lecture Geographic Knowledge Knowing where stuff is We all use it Knowledge the product of what we know to be true and what we believe to be true Development of Geography as a need to see where things are Essential in the development of empires These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Hearth Areas Geographic settings where new practices have developed and from which they have spread Middle East South Asia China Americas 4 Requirements of Hearth Areas Natural food supplies are plentiful Terrain is diversified Soils are rich and easy to till No need for large scale irrigation drainage Slash and Burn Is a system of cultivation in which plants are harvested close to the ground the stubble left to dry for a period and then ignited The burned stubble is used as fertilizer Slash and burn agriculture is still used in parts of Africa Requires low population density Formation of Settlements Settlements formed because of higher population densities People had to stay in one place because they domesticated animals Social Organization appropriation of resources Specialization Non agricultural crafts skills People did different things development of weapons schools Became a complex society because people got free from agricultural work Trade Barter between communities sometimes over long distances Led to development of Maps initially were mental maps Most maps are recent 1154 or 1590 This then led to growth of cities urbanization empires and colonies Pre Modern Economies 1 Mini Systems Reciprocal Social Economy Self contained self sustained Barter economy 2 World Empires Self sustaining empires seeking more and more territories to expand economy Redistributive Tributary Farmers had to give some tax to the sovereign The Empire and the empire would redistribute the wealth by building roads providing security etc May have money regulated economy Major World Empire o Roman Empire Gets replaced by the Islamic Empire 218 BC 117 AD o Islamic Empire 622 750 A D Have a lot of geographic knowledge we use today Colonized Middle East North Africa as well as parts of Europe Spain o British Empire 1497 1945 Rise of Modern nation states Very vast and exercised lots of power over the world economy Very important geopolitical movement ended the British Empire 3 World System Merchant capitalist economy Everyone has currency Development of the middle class Transition from empires into states Tools for developing the world system o Imperialism extension of power of a nation through direct or indirect control of the economic and political life of other territories o Colonialism The establishment and maintenance of political and legal domination of a state over a separate and alien society o A country can participate in imperialism without colonizing o All of Africa was colonized and it was seen as a competition between imperialistic nations to see which country has the most power Development of the World System Core regions that dominate trade control the most advanced technologies and have high levels of productivity within diversified economies Economy that produces electronics technology as well as agriculture Periphery The regions with underdeveloped or narrowly specialized economies with low levels of productivity Handful of exports which are mostly food or natural resources Semi Periphery regions that are able to exploit peripheral regions but are themselves exploited and dominated by other regions In transition North Africa Balkans These are not fixed labels countries can change into different categories Technology and Innovation Technological Innovations 50 year cycles of technological innovations 1790 1840 water power steam engines 1840 1890 coal steel railroads 1890 1940 Oil electrical telecommunication 1950 today nuclear power aerospace global air travel Hegemony Dominance socially economically and Politically in the wold system British from 1800 to 1900 US 1900 Classification of World Economies 1st World Capitalist Economies ex US England 2nd world Communist countries ex soviet Russia before collapse 3rd World Non aligned Countries ex India Africa Middle East etc Neither capitalist or communist
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