GEOG 1101 Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I What is Geography II Key themes III IV V VI Spatial Analysis Regions Landscape Place a Functions of Place Outline of Current Lecture I Scale II Territory III Sovereignty IV Boundaries V Globalization VI Laws of Geography Current Lecture Scale Portioning of space within which certain processes play out World Scale ex Economy climate change etc World regions ex Middle east North America Latin America ex Trade agreements treaties National States ex Federal policies national economy US Canada China etc Human settlements can include cities towns and communities and involves work play and family Community towns villages Home family base culture Body self identity Territory Area claimed by or dependent on a sovereign power Geographic space of the state or nation Sovereignty Supreme power self governance Former colonies are not unusually formal culture regions These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Struggle for sovereignty Boundaries Define limits of territory Important element of place making Create reinforce spatial differentiation Constructed to regulate and control people and resources within them Control flow of people resources into and out of a territory Globalization Increasing interconnectedness through common processes of economic environmental political and cultural change processes Shared culture economy etc Laws of Geography 1 Everything is related to everything else but near things are more related than distant things Caveat distance can be trumped by connectivity 2 What happens in one place is related to what happens in another place Places are interdependent
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