1st Edition
PSYC 307: Developmntl Psychology
School: Texas A&M University (TAMU )
Pages: 6This lecture covers the end of the Infancy chapter, and the beginning of the Language and Symbols chapter.
Pages: 4This lecture covers different types of perception and imitation
Pages: 10This study guide highlights the main points and some vocabulary from each lecture. It does not include any material from the textbook. Use this guide as an outline to supplement the lecture notes and the textbook chapters.
Pages: 4This lecture covers the rest of the developmental theories
Pages: 3This lecture covers the basic ideas of attention and memory and how they change throughout development
Pages: 4This lecture covers topics in prenatal development and begins the discussion of cognitive theory
Pages: 3This lecture covers the bases of brain development and cell maturation, as well as prenatal development.
Pages: 4This lecture goes through the biological backgrounds and bases for developmental psychology and genetics.
Pages: 4This lecture covers the research methods used in Psychology and how child development is studied
Pages: 2This lecture covers some of the basic of Developmental Psychology. The professor went through the slides very quickly; most information needed for this section of the course can be found in Chapter 1 of the prescribed textbook