2nd Edition
ADPR 3100: Principles of Advt
School: University of Georgia (UGA )
Pages: 4how to determine cost effectiveness and analysis of radio ads
Pages: 3strengths and limitations of magazine and newspaper advertising
Pages: 3cost effectiveness and analyzing GRPs, emergence of outdoor advertising and what makes it effective/non effective
Pages: 2what factors are considering during media planning stage of ad campaign
Pages: 5components of advertising campaigns, examples of effective campaigns
Pages: 3differences between producer and consumer paradigms, focus on consumer paradigms
Pages: 4factors leading to creative revolution and changes occurring during creative revolution, new views on advertising
Pages: 3economy turned into a consumer society, characterisitcs of a consumer society, ways of buying, importance of branding and developing brand loyalties
Pages: 3emergence of a consumer society, changing ways of buying and branding of products