1st Edition
HD 341: Learning and Guidance in Early Childhood
School: Washington State University (WSU )
- Viewing 8 sample documents related to HD 341
Pages: 2Lecture notes on Parent/Teacher Communication, Family Engagement, and Conferences.
Pages: 3Notes based off of the in-class lecture on February 6th, 2015.
Pages: 2Lecture from January 30th where the professor covered Mistaken Behavior, Relational Patterns, Three Levels of Mistaken Behavior, and Understanding Mistaken Behavior.
Pages: 2Lecture-based notes on executive function, stress, resiliency, mastery motivation, and quality care.
Pages: 3Lecture based notes on topics covered in class, such as Developmental Egocentrism, Autonomy, Vygotsky, Multiple Intelligences, and Neuroscience and nurturing relationships
Pages: 4Developmentally Appropriate Practice and it's elements, including the three core considerations, 12 principles of child development and learning that inform practice, the five guidelines for DAP, and framework for decision making.
Pages: 2List of democratic life skills that teachers should focus on helping children develop.
Pages: 3Lecture 1 - January 14th, 2015 Notes based off of in class lecture and textbook.