1 Use the following code fragment Loop LD R1 0 R2 DADDI R1 R1 1 SD 0 R2 R1 DADDI R2 R2 4 DSUB R4 R3 R2 BNEZ R4 Loop load R1 from address 0 R2 R1 R1 1 store R1 at address 0 R2 R2 R2 4 R4 R3 R2 branch to loop if R4 0 Assume that the initial value of R3 is R2 396 i e 99 loop iterations Use the classic MIPS five stage integer pipeline see Figure A 1 in Hennessy and Patterson and assume all memory accesses take 1 clock cycle a Show the timing of this instruction sequence for the MIPS pipeline without any forwarding or bypassing hardware but assuming a register read and a write in the same clock cycle forwards through the register file as in Figure A 7 Use a pipeline timing chart like Figure A 10 Assume that the branch is handled by flushing the pipeline If all memory references take 1 cycle how many cycles does this loop take to execute b Show the timing of this instruction sequence for the MIPS pipeline with normal forwarding and bypassing hardware Use a pipeline timing chart like Figure A 10 Assume that the branch is handled by predicting it as not taken If all memory references take 1 cycle how many cycles does this loop take to execute 2 Scheduling branch delay slots see the three ways in Figure A 14 can improve performance Assume a single branch delay slot and an instruction pipeline that determines branch outcome in the second stage a For a delayed branch instruction what is the penalty for each branch delay slot scheduling scheme if the branch is taken and if it is not taken and what condition if any must be satisfied to ensure correct execution b A cancel if not taken branch instruction also called branch likely and implemented in MIPS does not execute the instruction in the delay slot if the branch is not taken Thus a compiler need not be as conservative when filling the delay slot For each branch delay slot scheduling scheme what is the penalty if the branch is taken and if it is not taken and what condition if any must be satisfied to ensure correct execution c Assume that an instruction set has a delayed branch and a cancel if not taken branch When should a compiler use each branch instruction and from where should the slot be filled 3 Construct a table like Figure A 21 to check for WAW stalls in the MIPS FP pipeline of Figure A 31 Do not consider FP divides List all checks for stalls for ADD D Provide one example of checks for stalls for MUL D not involving ADD D One example of a check for stalls that is needed for ADD D is shown below Opcode field MUL D M2 M3 IR Opcode field of IF ID IF ID IR0 5 ADD D Matching operand fields M2 M3 IR rd IF ID IR rd 4 Suppose that in the original MIPS implementation no pipeline the stages to execute an instruction could run this fast IF ID EX MEM WB 15ns 8ns 7ns 15ns 5ns a How long in nanoseconds would it take to complete 100 instructions consisting of 20 loads 20 stores 10 branches and 50 register register ALU instructions Assume only loads and stores use the MEM stage to execute b Suppose MIPS was implemented on a 5 stage pipeline with the same stages as above If there are no stalls in the pipeline how many nanoseconds would it take to complete the same 100 instructions c Suppose that half of the loads cause a 3 cycle delay in the pipeline How many nanoseconds would it take to complete the 100 instructions
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