Administrivia Class web page http www cs umd edu class fall2009 cmsc411 Linked in from CS dept class web pages Class accounts CSIC Linux cluster Class textbook Hennessy Patterson Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach 4th Edition Start reading Chapter 1 CMSC 411 Computer Systems Architecture Lecture 1 Computer Architecture at Crossroads Slides from Alan Sussman Pete Keleher CMSC 411 1 2 Introduction What can you expect to learn Why are you taking this course What to look for in buying a PC Can brag to parents and friends How computer architecture affects programming style How programming style affect computer architecture How processors disks memory work How processors exploit instruction thread parallelism A great deal of jargon You really liked the material in 311 and want to learn more The course time fit into your schedule well You needed upper level CS courses and chose this one at random All the courses you really wanted to take were filled CMSC 411 1 3 CMSC 411 1 4 The Textbook H P Chapter 1 of H P Everyone complains about it Virtually everyone uses it You can handle it but you have to work at it do the reading Through lecture notes other references etc I ll try to help you put it all together Read Chapter 1 Historical Perspective Section 1 13 Computers as we know them are roughly 60 years old The von Neumann machine model that underlies computer design is only partially von Neumann s Konrad Zuse say he had the bad luck of being too early Optional Read his own recollections in TR 180 of ETH Z rich http www inf ethz ch research disstechreps techreports show serial 180 lang en contains both German and English No one was able to successfully patent the idea of a stored program computer much to the dismay of Eckert and Mauchly CMSC 411 1 CS252 S05 5 CMSC 411 1 6 Early development steps Later development steps Make input and output easier than wiring circuit boards and reading lights Make programming easier by developing higher level programming languages so that users did not need to use binary machine code instructions First compilers in late 1950 s for Fortran and Cobol Develop storage devices Faster More storage Cheaper Networking and parallel computing Better user interfaces Ubiquitous applications Development of standards 7 CMSC 411 1 8 CMSC 411 1 Perspective An example Most powerful computer in 1988 CRAY Y MP 1993 a desktop workstation IBM Power 2 matched its power at less than 10 of the cost How did this happen hardware improvements e g squeezing more circuits into a smaller area improvements in instruction set design e g making the machine faster on a small number of frequently used instructions improvements in compilation e g optimizing code to reduce memory accesses and make use of faster machine instructions CMSC 411 1 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AT A CROSSROADS 9 CMSC 411 1 Crossroads Uniprocessor Performance Crossroads Conventional Wisdom in Comp Arch Uniprocessor performance now 2X 5 yrs Sea change in chip design multiple cores 2X processors per chip 2 years CS252 S05 From Hennessy and Patterson 4th edition year 1000 52 year 100 10 25 year 1 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 VAX 25 year 1978 to 1986 RISC x86 52 year 1986 to 2002 RISC x86 year 2002 to present More simpler processors are more power efficient CMSC 411 1 10000 Performance vs VAX 11 780 Old Conventional Wisdom Power is free Transistors expensive New Conventional Wisdom Power wall Power expensive transistors free Can put more on chip than can afford to turn on Old CW Sufficiently increasing Instruction Level Parallelism ILP via compilers innovation Out of order speculation VLIW New CW ILP wall law of diminishing returns on more HW for ILP Old CW Multiplies are slow Memory access is fast New CW Memory wall Memory slow multiplies fast 200 clock cycles to DRAM memory 4 clocks for multiply Old CW Uniprocessor performance 2X 1 5 yrs New CW Power Wall ILP Wall Memory Wall Brick Wall 10 11 CMSC 411 1 12 Multiprocessors D j vu all over again Sea Change in Chip Design Intel 4004 1971 4 bit processor 2312 transistors 0 4 MHz 10 micron PMOS 11 mm2 chip Multiprocessors imminent in 1970s 80s 90s today s processors are nearing an impasse as technologies approach the speed of light David Mitchell The Transputer The Time Is Now 1989 Transputer was premature Custom multiprocessors strove to lead uniprocessors Procrastination rewarded 2X seq perf 1 5 years We are dedicating all of our future product development to multicore designs This is a sea change in computing Paul Otellini President Intel 2004 Difference is all microprocessor companies switch to multiprocessors AMD Intel IBM Sun all new Apples 2 CPUs Procrastination penalized 2X sequential perf 5 yrs Biggest programming challenge 1 to 2 CPUs RISC II 1983 32 bit 5 stage pipeline 40 760 transistors 3 MHz 3 micron NMOS 60 mm2 chip 125 mm2 chip 0 065 micron CMOS 2312 RISC II FPU Icache Dcache RISC II shrinks to 0 02 mm2 at 65 nm Caches via DRAM or 1 transistor SRAM www t ram com Proximity Communication via capacitive coupling at 1 TB s Ivan Sutherland Sun Berkeley Processor is the new transistor CMSC 411 1 13 Problems with Sea Change Algorithms Programming Languages Compilers Operating Systems Architectures Libraries not ready to supply Thread Level Parallelism or Data Level Parallelism for 1000 CPUs chip Architectures not ready for 1000 CPUs chip Unlike Instruction Level Parallelism cannot be solved just by computer architects and compiler writers alone but also cannot be solved without participation of computer architects This 4th Edition of textbook Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach explores shift from Instruction Level Parallelism to Thread Level Parallelism Data Level Parallelism CMSC 411 1 CS252 S05 15 CMSC 411 1 14
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