UA RELI 160D2 - Final Exam Study Guide
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RELI 160D2 1st Edition Final Exam Study Guide Lecture 16 19 Lecture 16 Who wrote The Satanic Verses in 1988 Salmon Rushdie What are the three conditions of the Jihad 1 Violence must be proportional to the attack 2 Innocent civilians should not be targeted 3 Jihad must be declared by the ruler of the state What do the 99 beads represent The 99 names of God What does Moors mean in Latin Dark complexioned Who is the Great Mahdi Wallace D Fard Muhammad What did Wallace D Fard Muhammad call the whites Blue Eyed Devils What did Elijah Muhammad stress What did he forbid How did he feel about the five pillars of Islam He stressed black pride self sufficiency and strong family values He forbade gambling alcohol drugs eating pork He did not observe the five pillars of Islam What does the X in Malcolm X stand for For being an ex slave Lecture 17 How did Wallace D Muhammad influence the Sunnis Before him they never observed the five pillars of Islam With him they switched from temples to Mosques and from ministers to Imams He also began the stressed importance of equality of men and women What did Louis Farrakhan call Judaism He called it the Gutter Religion About how many Muslims are in Europe At least 15 million In Europe where are the largest Muslim populations England France Germany How did many Muslims arrive in North America As slaves in the 1600s from West Africa What is the largest group of Muslims in North America Immigrant Muslims What kind of treatment is the Ottoman Empire a good example of Positive treatment Lecture 18 When did the Ottoman Empire collapse End of the 19th century How did Mustafa Kemal Father of the Turks transform society He made the empire a secular Islamic State and made it based on Swiss civil law Also adopted the Gregorian calendar True or false When Kemal took over most of the Turks were illiterate True 80 were Is Mary mentioned in the Muslim gospel Yes she is mentioned more often than in the New Testament What does Tarif Khalidi say that the Muslim gospel tries to do It tries to fill in places that people don t really know about Jesus Lecture 19 What are the four rules according to Tariq Ramadan 1 Recognize legitimacy of others religion 2 Listen to what people say about their own religion 3 In the name of trust respect you have the right to ask all possibly questions even difficult or embarrassing questions 4 Find out what they represent where are they coming from What does the Qur an make people limit of themselves It makes people limit their own sense of power What did Ibn Taymiyyah say about being Muslim If you re muslim and you don t go along with what we say then you re no longer muslim Ibn Taymiyyah s ideas were taken up by Sayyid Qutb Who did Sayyid influence Osama Bin Laden

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