PSIO 201 5th Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture Calcium Homeostasis Outline of Current Lecture I Axial Skeleton II Osteoporosis III Cranial Bones IV Facial Bones Current Lecture Axial Bones include 8 Cranial Bones and 14 Facial Bones Terms 1 Process bone articulates to bone 2 Fossa dent 3 Foramen Meatus or Canal opening Osteoporosis greater risk of fractures porous bones Osteoporosis is caused when osteoclast activity is greater than osteoblast activity Risk Factors Deficiency in calcium and vitamin D weight older age history menopause female exercise 8 Cranial Bones Cranium brain case Calvarium skull cap Frontal 1 Parietal 2 Occipital 1 Temporal 2 These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Sphenoid 1 Ethmoid 1 14 Facial Bones Zygomatic 2 Maxilla 2 Mandible 1 Lacrimal 2 Nasal Bones 2 Vomer 1 Inferior Nasal Conchae 2 Palatine Bones 2 Atlas articulates with occipital condyles Mandibular Fossa articulates with temporal bone Zygomatic process of temporal bone Zygomatic Arch temporal process zygomatic process Orbits of eye include Lacrimal Maxilla Frontal Ethmoid Temporal
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