ANSC 107 1nd Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Previous Lecture I Swine Breeds II Sheep Breeds III Goat Breeds Outline of Current Lecture I II III IV Horse Breeds Poultry Breeds The consumers product Livestock production systems Horse Breeds Most horse breeds perform specialized functions dependent on their GAIT o Riding work racing driving multiple tasks Classified as o Light draft ponies Measured in hands 1 hand equal to 4 inches o If 14 2 hands then classified as a pony o If 14 2 hands then classified as a horse Light Horses Breeds developed in the USA o Morgan Standardbred American Saddlebred Tennessee Walking Quarterhorse Appaloosa Light imported breeds Arabian and thoroughbred Arabians are the oldest breed of any livestock Genes found in most breeds Draft Horse Work Carriages These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Appaloosa Spotted Arabian Small dished triangular shaped head and long highly arched neck that is set high in the shoulder Arabian blood is carried by most light horse breeds American Paint Horse US More valuable because of color Two base color patterns o Tobiano white over dark color white crosses on back o Overo dark over white no white crosses on back Thoroughbred England Huge industry run in all shapes an sizes American Quarter Horse US Developed as a saddle horse with great speed over short distances 1 4 mile Draft Horse Breeds Belgian Belgium Light sorrel with flaxen mane and tail Easy to handle and very strong less leg action than other breeds Clydesdale Scotland White face and leg markings together with the feathering on the lower legs bell bottomed effect Poultry Breeds Leghorn Mediterranean 1 egg producing Spent hen old bird not productive enough for laying egg De beak to prevent pecking to death Small hens that lay large white eggs 235 per year White Cornish England Meat production Broad breasted heavy muscled Broad breasted white Turkey US So heavy and muscular they are no longer capable of natural reproduction also have problems with leg structure o 100 of turkeys are artificially inseminated large breasts cant breath naturally o Vertically integrated o White meat because of marketing The Consumers product Proper shot location o 1 abuser vets Subcutaneous under the skin does not contaminate meat Bird shot o 1 contaminate in meat industry Stress hormone cortisol Information Consumers want Humane Growth promotants makes us more efficient Healthy Value for Dollar Safe safest food supply in world reduced ability to fight diseases Fast Tasty Government s role HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical control point o NASA first came up with Food Safety Regulations 1906 Meat Inspection Act 1957 Meat Inspection Act was amended by the Federal Meat Inspection Act HACCP 1998 HACCP systematic preventive approach to food safety that identifies physical plastic glass birdshot chemical melamine and biological hazards Ecoli Every processing plant must have a HACCP plan that is specifically designed for that plant 7 principles o Conduct a hazard analysis o Identify critical control points o Establish critical limits for each critical control point o Establish critical control point monitoring requirements o Establish corrective actions o Establish procedures for ensuring the HACCP system is working as intended Consumer Driven industry Decisions of the consumer drive each of the choices throughout the production process and the outcome of the product Selection of Genes Cow calf production system o Genetics are blended causing lack of uniformity Vertical integration you own everything from beginning to end o Swine and Poultry Very competitive because of vertical integration Make the product cheaper Taste fat not waste fat As fat increases 3 7 window of accessibility for fat in meat o Above 7 fat is not good Harvesting Humane Slaughter Act of 1958 o Animals must be harvested humanly o Mandatory USDA inspection Media Misconceptions Pink Slim lean finely textured beef Grass fed vs grain fed Hormone free Free range chickens Everything goes back to the consumer What the consumer wants the consumer will get Supply demand price Livestock Production Systems Beef Cattle Industry 1880 Cattle Drives longhorns south Texas 1976 1995 Decrease in Demand o Health issues heart disease o Quality issues not uniform 1995 2005 Emphasis on consumer needs 2005 Emphasis on quality and food safety o Branded products Well known produce o Feed resources cost a concern Beef Cattle industry Cow calf o Cow converts low quality forage into high quality product the calf Stocker o Growing phase after calves are weaned and before feedlot Feedlot o Animals confined and fed high energy diet Seedstock o Provided genetics for commercial producer Most efficient Birth weight Cow Calf 300 700 sold at 6 10 months of age Efficiency is based on pounds of product produced per cow Cow Calf Selection goals o Fertility o Weaning weight what going to sell for o Cow efficiency o Adaptably o Quality product produced efficiently Future technology o AI Artificial insemination o Clone o GMO genetically modified organisms Stocker Weaning weight 600 850 lbs Roughage fiber based diets cheap gain Selection factors o Price o Growth potential o Health Feedlot High energy concentrate diet corn or milo Profit Potential o ADG o Feed efficiency o Health death loss DDG dried distillers grain Byproduct of alcohol bulky industry Factors influencing value o Quality marbling taste low choice o Yield fat vs lean o Dressing stays on carcass Efficiency 60 50 lamb ruminant wool 70 pork
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