ANSC 107 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of previous lecture II Breeds of Livestock III Breeds of Cattle a British Breeds b Bos Indicus Breeds c Exotic Breeds d Dairy Cattle Breeds Outline of current lecture I Swine Breeds II Sheep Breeds III Goat Breeds Current lecture Swine Breeds Seed stock Producers Commercial Producers Corporate Production Units o Conception to consumer o Sire and dam lines individuals o Economic traits o Vertically integrated Economic Traits Reproduction Short Generation o PEDS virus price of pork goes up 3 months 3 weeks 3 days gestation period Growth rate days to 280 Feed Efficiency These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Carcass traits Swine Associations National Swine improvement federation NSIF National Port Producers Council NPPC Swine Testing And Genetic Evaluation System STAGES Landrace Denmark White in color with huge drooping ears Most prolific because of extra vertebra Yorkshire England Mother Breed Very Maternal o Large litters 8 10 No Bacon White with erect ears Duroc US Reddish brown with drooping ears Excellent growth rate and reed efficiency Tend to be fatter than Hampshire sired pigs Hampshire US Black with white belt around shoulders erect ears Lean muscular carcasses Pietrain Belgium Black and white spotted with erect ears Extreme muscularity and lankness Normally stress positive o PSS Porcine Stress Syndrome o PSE Pale soft and exudative Sheep Breeds Facts Meat and Wool very important Dual Purpose breeds o Dorset Columbia Corriedale Wool does not hold odor Screwworm fly feeds on live tissue o Got rid of it women monogamous when mated not fertile Made the males sterile Super wash process o Wash wool in mild acid removes outer cuticle so we can wash and wear 95 of wool in USA goes to China Wool Breeds Merino Spain Most dominant breed in the world wide sheep industry o Very fine fleeces very high quality wool 1 User of wool in USA used in military Rambouillet France Dominant range ewe in western USA and Texas o Very popular and hearty Columbia US Very popular in North west White faced polled breed Meat Breeds Dorset England Known for milking ability and prolificacy fertile Out of season breeding Hampshire England Wool cap head and wool on boots Rapid growth and muscularity Face legs and ears are dark brown to black Southdown England Suffolk Efficient and maternal Oldest sheep breeds imported into US Black head and legs Spider gene recessive lethal o Hereditary chondrodysplasia o Ss born dead o walking fall Dual Purpose Breeds Finnsheep Finland Incredible prolificacy Milking ability Goat Breeds Immigrants of Hispanic Muslim and Caribbean origin Angora Turkey Produces mohair luxurious fiber o Finest hair worlds most valuable Saved agriculture in the 50 s South African Boer Goat South Africa Fast growing meat type goat o Prominent horns and broad drooping ears Too much on show industry Alpine French alps Good milkers Spanish goat Spain Parasite resistant Nubian African High Butterfat
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