TAMU ANSC 107 - General Terms
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ANSC 107 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Introductory to Animal Science Outline of Current Lecture II General Terms Current Lecture Ad libitum allowing animals to eat all they want at all times Compensatory growth increased growth rate in response to previous undernourishment Calorie the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 15 to 16 degrees C Kilo calorie equivalent to 1000 calories Concentrate A feed that is high in energy low in fiber content and highly digestible TDN Total digestible nutrients Includes total amounts of digestible protein nitrogen free extract fiber and fat multiplied by 2 25 all added together Roughage feed that is high in fiber low in digestible nutrients and low in energy Such as hay straw silage and pasture Feeder Animals that need no further feeding prior to slaughter Feeder pigs very loud and smell bad Fill the contents of digestive tract Cannula used to measure amount of fill in an animal In meat science industry high fill lower yield less fill is best Carcass Merit the value of a carcass for consumption These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Dark Cutter Color of the lean in the carcass CAUSED BY LONGTERM STRESS Has a dark appearance usually caused by stress to the animal prior to slaughter High moisture content Contemporary group a set of animals of the same sex and breed that have been raised under similar environmental and management conditions Cull to eliminate from the breeding population Due to sickness genetic defect etc crucial to production Fertility The capacity to initiate sustain and support reproduction Libido Sex drive of the male Haploid half the normal number of chromosomes found in sperm and ova A I Abbreviation for artificial insemination E T Abbreviation for embryo transfer Clone an individual grown from single somatic cell of its parent and genetically identical to it Reasons to clone good animal yield grade 2 high marbling Not practical cost to high to clone Estrus Heat the period of mating activity in the female Estrous and adjective meaning heat that modifies such words as cycle Estrous cycle is the heat cycle or time from one hear period to the next Estrus synchronization controlling the estrous cycle so that a high percentage of the females in the herd express estrus at the same time Used mostly in the dairy industry Artificial insemination Gestation Period Term of pregnancy Specie Gestation Period Equine mare 340 Days Bovine cow heifer 283 days Porcine sow 113 days Ovine sheep 147 days Caprine goats 147 days Dystocia difficult birth Colostrum the fist milk given by the female following delivery of her young Contains high levels of antibodies which are absorbed by the young for quick immunity Lactation period period that female produces milk Dry refers to a non lactating female mare cow ewe sow Weaning taking a young animal from is dam mother Anestrous Period the time when a female is not in estrus The non breading season Open refers to non pregnant females DHIA Dairy Herd Improvement Association dairy herds participate in keeping records Scurs small hornlike tissue attached to the skin of polled or dehorned animals Castration Removing the testicles Spaying The removal of the ovaries from the female reproductive tract Most often done in cats and dogs Breed animals having a common origin and characteristics that distinguish them from other groups within the same species Bovine Refers to cattle Equine refers to horses Porcine refers to swine Caprine refers to goats Ovine refers to sheep Cattle Horses Swine Goats Sheep Cat Dogs Poultr y Male of Breeding age Bull Stallion Boar Buck Ram Tom Dog Cock Mature female Cow Mare Sow Doe Ewe Pussy Bitch Hen Young Male Bullock Colt Shoat Buck Kid Ram Lamb Kitten Puppy dog Chick Young Female Heifer Filly Gilt Doe Kid Ewe Lamb Gib Puppy Bitch Chick Newborn Calf Foal Pig Kid Lamb Neuter Pup Chick Unsexed Male Steer Gelding Barrow Wether Wether Bevy Castrate Capon Unsexed Female Spayed Spayed Spayed Spayed Spayed Neuter Spayed Groups Herd Herd Drove Band Flock Pack Flock Genus Bos Equus Sus Capra Ovis Canis Gallus Act of Breeding Servin g Coverin g Coupling Serving Tupping Mating Copulatin g Mating Littering Whelping Mating Act of Calving Fouling Parturition Farrowing Kidding Lambin g

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TAMU ANSC 107 - General Terms

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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