UGA BIOL 1108 - Brief History and Origin of Life

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BIOL 1108 Edition 1nd Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Abiogenesis A Definition of abiogenesis the study of how life on Earth might have emerged from non life B Earth formed about 4 4 billion years ago Mantle is heated by radioactive decay in Earth s core Continental drift effects climate C Earth s Atmosphere II H2O vapor 80 CO2 10 no free oxygen For Life to Form Spontaneously A Formation of Organic Molecules B Stanley Miller Experiment C Deep Sea Vents Outline of Current Lecture I In the News Why have Liberian riot police and soldiers used scrap wood and barbed wire to seal off 50 000 people inside the West Point slum in the capital city of Monrovia II Scientific Theories A Jan Baptista van Helmont B Francesco Redi III The earliest living entities on Earth utilized a simpler type of biochemistry than do today s cells A Protocell B RNA molecule IV Last Universal Common Ancestor A Symbiosis living together B Bacterial Gene Exchange Transformation These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute V Transduction Conjugation Evolution is random A Evolution is the product of two opposing forces Random Non random Current Lecture Abiogenesis is the study of how life on Earth might have come to be from nonliving things Biological Characteristics Growth Metabolism consuming transforming and storing energy mass growing by absorbing and reorganizing mass excreting waste Motion either moving itself or having internal motion Reproduction the ability to create entities that are similar to yet separate from itself Response to stimuli the ability to measure properties of its surrounding environment and act upon certain conditions DARWINIAN EVOLVUTION Astrobiology Addresses how life began and evolve if life exist beyond Earth and what the future of life holds I In the News Why have Liberian riot police and soldiers used scrap wood and barbed wire to seal off 50 000 people inside the West Point slum in the capital city of Monrovia A Ebola filovirus RNA helical nonsegmented single stranded Engulfed by macrophages then replicates and infects immune systems II Scientific Theories A Jan Baptista van Helmont Dirty clothing wheat 21 days mice B Francesco Redi Meat and Fly experiment found that maggots appeared when meat was uncovered allowing flies to lay eggs Proved that flies not direct meat produced maggots III The earliest living entities on Earth utilized a simpler type of biochemistry than do today s cells A Protocell If RNA ribozymes and other premetabolic molecules were all contained within a lipid micelle the first protocell could evolve Chemical evolution led to the formation of protocells which led to the first living cells B RNA molecule Polypeptides associating with RNA could aid in replication RNA can store information and can act as an enzyme Theoretical evolution of self replicating RNA Self sustaining chemical reactions known as hypercycles result in complex products being formed provided there is an input of energy IV Last Universal Common Ancestor A Symbiosis living together Origin of first true cell via symbiosis of a consortium of protocells B Bacterial Gene Exchange Transformation genes from environment Transduction genes by way of viral transfer Conjugation genes transferred directly from one cell to another IV Evolution is random A Evolution is the product of two opposing forces Random processes that constantly introduce variation in traits Ex mutation Non Random processes that make particular variants become more common or rare Ex Selection and genetic drift

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UGA BIOL 1108 - Brief History and Origin of Life

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