UA RELI 160D2 - Martin Luther & John Calvin
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RELI 160D2 1st Edition Lecture 8 Outline of Last Lecture I Jesus life continued II Divisions of Christianity III Martin Luther Outline of Current Lecture I Protests II Pope Leo X III John Calvin IV Similarities Differences of Calvin and Luther Current Lecture Tillich through faith God accepts you Protests Vs Tetzel October 31 1517 He writes 95 theses opposing indulgences He became an overnight sensation with these theses Now all of Germany knows what he s done and they agree with him Begins the reformation Debates Von Eck Cajetan 1518 20 Rome sends these theologians Impact on Luther s thinking Reformation Essays 1520 3 Babylonian Captivity of the Church There are only 2 sacraments not 7 An Appeal to the German Ability Wanted a universal church council but didn t work On the Freedom of a Christian Justifications on faith Pope Leo X June 15 1520 Exsurge Domine Told luther to retract 41 of his teachings Given two months to do so but he doesn t retract anything In December 1520 Luther took that letter from the Pope and burned it in front of the town Took rules of catholic church threw those in too Word gets to Rome he gets kicked out of Roman church He arranged a fake kidnapping Luther was kidnapped and taken to the Wartburg Castle the Prince s castle New testament into German Returns to Wittenberg where all of this began 1522 Felt it was safe For the rest of his life he was stabilizing teachings of the Lutheran church Writes hymns 1523 Mighty Fortress is our God Marries Katherine Von Bora 1525 She was a former nun Everything he was doing 55 volumes each really thick while having SIX children and adopted 4 others 2 Catechisms 1529 First is The Little Catechism Short questions short answers for people that can barely read Prayers etc The second was The Greater Catechism same questions but much longer answers Diet of Speyer 1529 Augsburg Confession 1530 Contains basic teachings of the Lutheran church Still important today Schmalkaldic League 1531 Said that if you attack our principalities we will all come together counterattack you Old Testament into German 1534 1543 Writes against Jews Catholics Muslims Luther dies 1546 Great preacher leader Luther Calvin are the co founders of the reformation John Calvin Studied at University of Paris with a masters in art and a doctorate in law Wound up in Geneva met up with pasture William Farel then he joins the reform church Institutes of the Christian Religion his primary work and it s a summary of the basic Christian teachings Calvin s writings are systematic unlike Luther s Luther s were topical he was answering questions 1536 1st edition 1541 2nd 1559 3rd He was head of a theocracy 1538 he was banished from the city He marries a widow who helps change his personality softens him Luther Calvin Differences similarities Differences Church of state Luther wanted separation of church and state Calvin said church state are one but church is superior to state Luther liked 4 part harmony Calvin liked plainchant he didn t want it to lead to pride Lord s Supper Luther said Jesus becomes really present Calvin said the supper is just a symbol Jesus is in heaven and it s just a symbolic relationship Luther said it s like husband and wife Concept of God Both believe in God of abraham but for Calvin God is powerful and is the ultimate judge For Luther God is merciful Predestination For Calvin he teaches double predestination From all eternity some are bound to heaven some are bound to hell is it already determined Luther said what about free will He believed God only knows so he can t interpret it Similarities Faith alone Grace alone Bible alone No pope Ministers can marry Infant baptism 2 sacraments baptism Lords supper Eucharist Communion

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