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CGS2100 Exam 1 Technology on the World Stage Increased ease of access to info acceleration in change of world Political issues o Can use social networking tools for serious issues 2014 Ukrainian uprisings Arab spring protests 2011 occupy wall street o B c population has instant access to tools media harder to control o Politician figures can use social media to their advantage o People all over can weigh in on political issues in common forum o Humanitarian and environmental efforts have experience increased capacity to affect change in society o Crisis mapping software crowdsourcing tools for info collection Societal Issues visualization and mapping by Ushahidi o Provides solution to global issues Vaccine production o Digital Divide significant gap in levels of access that the average citizen experiences even though most countries have some level of access Biggest danger fewer minds around world contribute to issues Creates bias for cultures on internet Next Einstein Initiative focus tech resources on young Africans maximize their voice Technology and Our Society Changing the fundamental components o How we think connect consume How We Think o People have more free time more time to consume o With Internet Static content w limited interactivity dynamic web sites that emphasize user generated content o Web 2 0 new form on internet emphasizes easy contribution and connection People have gone from primarily consumers producers contributors of ideas and info o Cognitive surplus combo of leisure time and tools to be creative o Motivated to productively work due to these factors Autonomy freedom to work without constant control Mastery excitement to see skills improve Purpose understanding that ones work is for something bigger than themselves How We Connect people o Crowdsourcing small contributions being made by a large number of Solicits online input from customers o Marketing how we pick and choose goods and services QR Codes gain info about product Comparison sites Mobile coupons Crowdsourcing techniques used by companies to improve How We Consume quality of their products o Shift from ownership access via subscription Netflix Decreased environmental impact cost to individual consumer o Collaborative Consumerism phenomenon of sharing goods and services among a large amount of people The joining together as a group to use a product more efficiently Technology at Home Being computer literate understand the capabilities and limitation of o How to avoid viruses protect your privacy use the web avoid spam computers etc Technology and Your Career Information Technology IT field of study focused on the management and processing of information and the automatic retrieval of information Big data the staggering amount of data generated everyday Data Mining the process of searching and filtering vast quantities of data with the goal of finding useful information o Businesses and organizations use big data by performing this o Allows retailers to respond to consumer buying patterns Understanding Your Computer Computer a data processing device that performs four major functions o Input gathers data and allows data to be entered by user o Processing manipulates calculates and organizes data o Output displays data and can send it to other output devices printer o Storage can save information for later use o As long as a device can do these it s a computer your phone digital watch and Tamagotchi are ALL COMPUTERS Data Information Data representation of a fact figure or idea o Can be number picture word etc Information data with context The Language of Computers Binary the language of the computer o Only consists of the number 1 and 0 o Data that has been organized and presented in meaningful way Bit each individual 0 or 1 also binary digit Byte eight bits binary digits together 10110011 o Anything you want to do in a computer MUST be translated into a series of simple operations and then into binary We measure the size of data by counting the number of bytes necessary to represent the data o Kilobyte KB 1 000 bytes o Megabyte MB o Gigabyte GB o Terabyte TB o Petabyte PB 1 000 000 000 000 000 ADD THREE 0 S FOR NEXT BIGGEST A computer uses hardware and software to store and process binary information o Hardware any part of a computer you can touch All physical components o Software computer programs that help you perform tasks Software Application software applications you use on you computer browser word processor photo editor System software allows the computers components to work and manages instance of application software operating system o Software falls into these 2 categories Proprietary commercial software you buy Microsoft Office Open source free software Open Office OR you can get software through Software as a Service o Productivity Software provides necessary tools for school and SaaS which is a web based application business Can be cheaper if bought as bundle software suite Microsoft office apache open office apple iWork Wizard walks you through steps to complete task Template predesigned form Macro grouping of series of commands so they can be o Word Processing Software used to create edit documents run as single command o Spreadsheet Software allows you to make calculations and perform Microsoft Word numerical analysis Microsoft Excel o Presentation Software used to create presentation material for lectures business meetings and classroom projects Microsoft PowerPoint o Database Software includes applications that let you store organize data Field data category Record group of related fields Table group of related records o Note taking Software help organize information Microsoft OneNote o Personal Information Manager PIM help manage email time contacts tasks Microsoft Outlook o Personal Financial Software manage finances Quicken Mint apps o Tax preparation Software help guide you through taxes o Accounting Software helps small businesses manage their finances TurboTax and track accounts QuickBooks annual reports etc industry 3 D models o Desktop Publishing DTP used to design newsletters catalogs Microsoft Publisher Adobe InDesign o Vertical Market Software big businesses designed for specific o Computer aided Design CAD create automated designs drawings AutoCAD engineers architects o Multimedia Software includes digital image video editing software Facebook Flickr Adobe Photoshop o Digital Video Editing Software used to edit videos Adobe Premiere Pro Apple final Cut Pro Types of

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FSU CGS 2100 - Exam 1

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