Cellular Respiration Review Worksheet Exergonic reactions energy release or require Endergonic reactions energy release or require ATP Adenosine TriPhosphate energy currency of the cell ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and inorganic phosphate releasing approximately 7 3 kcal mol of energy 7 3 or 7 3 NADH and FADH2 reducing power Creatine Phosphate high energy phosphagen store in Arginine Phosphate high energy phosphagen store in The high energy phosphagen store is used to regenerate Catabolic processes produce or require ATP and reducing power Anabolic processes produce or require ATP and reducing power Metabolism converts molecules in small steps each catalyzed by a specific enzyme In the cytoplasm glucose is oxidized to pyruvate Depending on the availability of oxygen there are two pathways for the further metabolism of pyruvate In the of adequate oxygen glucose is fermented in the cytoplasm to lactic acid animals or ethanol plants and yeast and sometimes in animals e g cold adapted goldfish Fermentation to lactate and ethanol regenerates NAD so that glycolysis can continue Anaerobic glycolysis results in the net production of 2 ATP 3 ATP are produced when glycogen is the starting material In the of adequate oxygen pyruvate is channeled into the Krebs cycle in mitochondria being converted to acetyl CoA and CO2 Because pyruvate is a 3 carbon compound and glucose is a 6 carbon compound there are two turns of the Krebs cycle per glucose molecule CO2 ATP and reducing power NADH and FADH2 are produced in the TCA Krebs Cycle Oxidative phosphorylation The NADH from the cytoplasm and mitochondria and FADH2 in the mitochondrion move energetically down the electron transport chain It is at this step that oxygen is used to produce H2O The theoretical maximum ATP production is 3 ATP produced per NADH 2 ATP produced per FADH2 The reducing power is used to drive and maintain the proton gradient high concentrations of protons in the intermembrane space with the matrix having a higher pH The free energy of the proton gradient is used to drive the synthesis of ATP which is an ex or end ergonic reaction catalyzed by the enzyme Chemiosmosis is the movement of protons down their concentration gradient to provide the energy for ATP synthesis Under aerobic conditions the actual net production of ATP molecules produced per molecule of glucose is to
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