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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds Living organisms are composed of carbon based chemicals Organic molecules are molecules which contain Carbon and Hydrogen Carbon atoms can bond with 4 other atoms Carbon atoms are the most versatile building blocks of molecules Carbon has a valence of 4 meaning it can bond with 2 3 or 4 other atoms Hydrocarbons are molecules that contain only Hydrogen and Carbon Hydrocarbons are major components of fossil fuels Hydrocarbons are generally non polar meaning they are hydrophobic Isomers are molecules which contain the same atoms but those atoms are arranged in different patterns There are three types of isomers structural geometric and enantiomers Structural Isomers are molecules which contain the same atoms but a different shape because they are arranged differently Geometric Isomers are molecules which contain the same atoms but the croups around a C C double bonds are arranged differently Enantiomers are isomers that are mirror images of one another Functional side groups are groups of atoms attached to the carbon skeleton of organic molecules Functional groups contribute to molecular diversity in living systems The 7 general function groups are Hydroxyl Carbonyl Carboxyl Amino Sulfhydryl Phosphate Methyl OH C O COOH NH2 SH PO4 CH3 17 18 19 20 21 Hydroxyl Oxygen is bonded to a Carbon backbone and to a Hydrogen atom making it polar This is the alcohols group Carbonyl Ketone the carbonyl group is within the Carbon skeleton and Aldehyde is the end of the Carbon skeleton Carboxyl Has acidic properties making it a n H donor Also part of peptide bonds between amino acids in proteins Amino Accept H from water in living systems it acts as a base Also participates in formation of peptide bonds between amino acids in proteins Sulfhydryl 2 SH groups can form a covalent bond to help stabilize protein structure Cross linking of SH groups in hair proteins is what determines form of hair Phosphate Is important for energy transfer in cells 22 23 Methyl Are non polar and is added to DNA to suppress gene expression 24 Polymers are large molecules consisting of many identical or similar subunits connected together A n monomer is a subunit building block of a polymer Polymerization is the bonding of monomers to form long molecules 25 26 27 Most biological polymerization reactions are condensation reactions also called a 28 29 dehydration synthesis reaction Condensation reactions are polymerization reactions in which the covalent linkage of monomers is accompanied by the removal of a water molecule Hydrolysis is the breaking of the covalent bond between 2 monomers by the addition of water The macro molecules are Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins and Nucleic Acids Carbohydrates are used as fuels and building material Carbohydrates are organic molecules made of sugars and their polymers Carbohydrates are classified by the number of simple sugars 30 31 32 33 34 Monomers are simple sugars called monosaccharides 35 36 37 38 39 Monosaccharides can form Dipolysaccharides and Polysaccharides 40 41 Carbs only contain Carbon Hydrogen and Oxygen in a 1 2 1 ratio Carbohydrates are a major source of nutrients for cells Glucose is the most common Carbohydrates can be produced by photosynthetic organisms from CO2 H2O and light Disaccharides are joined by a glycosidic linkage Glycosidic linkage is a covalent bond formed by a dehydration synthesis between 2 sugar monomers Polysaccharides are macromolecules that are polymers of a few hundred or thousand monosaccharides Polysaccharides are formed by enzyme mediated condensation reactions Storage polysaccharides store sugars that can be hydrolyzed as needed Starch is a glucose polymer that is used as a storage polysaccharide in plants Glycogen is a glucose polymer that is used as a storage polysaccharide in animals Glycogen is stored in the muscle and liver of vertebrates If there is more glucose in your bloodstream than your body needs the excess glucose is linked together and stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver 43 44 45 46 47 48 42 49 When energy is needed glycogen is quickly broken down to release glucose into the bloodstream for short term energy needs Once glycogen stores are full excess glucose gets converted to fat for long term energy needs First stages of any diet usually involve rapid and dramatic weight loss this is because of water weight This is because glycogen is being depleted in the muscles and liver as caloric intake is reduced Every ounce of glycogen in the body can have as much as 4 oz of water to it 50 51 52 53 Structural polysaccharides are cellulose and chitin Cellulose is a linear unbranched polymer of glucose Cellulose is the most abundant organic molecule on the planet Cellulose reinforces plant cell walls Hydrogen bonds hold the cellulose strands together Cellulose cannot be digested by most animals because they lack the enzyme that can hydrolyze the linkage in cellulose Chitin is the structural polysaccharide that is a polymer of an amino sugar Chitin also serves as the exoskeleton of arthropods and cell walls of mushrooms Lipids are mostly hydrophobic molecules with diverse functions There are 3 lipid types Fats Phospholipids and Steroids 3 fatty acids glycerol triglyceride Fats and oils function as energy storage One gram of fat stores 2 times as much energy as one gram of sugar Olestra is the fake fat Instead of a triglyceride with 3 fatty acids linked to a glycerol it has 8 fatty acids attached to a molecule of sucrose Humans store fat in adipose tissue cells which swell and shrink as fat is added to or taken from them There are 2 types of fats Saturated and Unsaturated Saturated No double bonds between Carbons Max number of Hydrogen atoms bonded to Unsaturated 1 or more double Carbon bonds Chain kinks at each double bond can t pack Carbon of the skeleton Usually solid at room temperature Most animals store fats close to form solid Usually liquid at room temperature Most plants store oils Phospholipids are an essential class of lipids that make up cell membranes Amphipathic means polar and non polar having a n hydrophilic head and a n hydrophobic tail 73 When phospholipids are added to water they self assemble into a n bi layer that shields their hydrophobic portion from water Steroids are a class of lipids that include many hormones Steroids have a Carbon skeleton of 4 fused rings with various functional groups attached Cholesterol is a

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