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The fluidity of a membrane of a 10 C species and a 20 C species are compared at 15 C which will be more fluid Unit 2 clicker questions To make a membrane more fluid which class of fat would you increase What kinds of molecules would pass through a membrane i e phospholipid bi o Small and non polar gases steroid hormones and water Would it be a good idea to give a severely dehydrated person an IV soultuion o 10 C o Unsaturated layer of sterile water o No because giving them pure water would result in the outside red blood cells are going to be hypotonic take up water and burst Isotonic marine invertebrates tend to do what o Neither gain nor lose water Spontaneous chemical reactions always do what o Release energy What determines the reaction rate o Delta G double dagger What determines whether a reaction occurs spontaneously Enzymes work by lowering the activation barrier o Delta G o True An exergonic reaction o Negative Delta G At a common measurement temperature which will have the faster catalytic o Enzyme homolog from cold species Enzymes accelerate a reaction by making the overall energetics more rate favorable o False An enzyme catalyzed reaction generally doubles its rate for a 10 C temperature increase However at some point the enzyme activity decreases Why o High temperatures will denature proteins The first enzyme of the pathway is allosterically regulated Why not competitive inhibition o The pathway product is too similar to the substrate for the enzyme Specialized cellular compartment for digestion of food particles o Lysosome Allosteric regulation false o Binding of a moleculator at a site other than the active site The binding of oxygen to hemoglobin is an example of cooperativity true or o The chemical transformations occur in small steps and each step is o True What are two hallmarks of metabolism catalyzed by a specific enzyme Catabolic reactions are what o Exergonic Anabolic reactions do what o Produce reducing power and uses ATP When ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and inorganic phosphate how much energy delta G is released o 7 3 kcal mol ATP production results from what o Catabolic processes The oxidation of glucose releases 686 kcal mol o Delta G o Kinases Phosphorylation reactions are catalyzed by enzymes called what Why is the citric acid Krebs cycle called a cycle o It has a beginning and an end Where does the reducing power come from o NADH glycolysis NADH Krebs cycle and FADH 2 Krebs cycle Glucose has more energy than ATP NADH has more energy than ATP NADH has more energy than FADH 2 Where is ATP synthase located in animals o Inner Mitochondrial membrane If the number of hydrogen ion pumps in the ETS is increased what impact will this have on ATP production If the number of hydrogen ion pumps in the ETS is increased what impact will this have on substrate level ATP production o Increase o No impact A 70 kg man produces 150 g of H per day Why is this not a problem o The proteins are used in oxidative phosphorylation With inadequate oxygen why does NAD need to be regenerated o There is a constant pool of coenzyme and it would all be in the form of NADH and NAD is needed for glycolysis to proceed With adequate oxygen why isn t the build up of NADH a problem o NAD is regenerated in oxidative phosphorylation To produce energy glucose is what In the absence of oxygen pyruvate is to lactate o Oxidized o Reduced Using glucose as the starting material how many ATP total are generated producing pyruvate o 4 In the oxidation of glucose which process produces the most ATP o Oxidative phosphorylation At which stage is CO 2 produced o Citric acid cycle The molecular oxygen in respiration is what o Its used to produce H2O Oxidation of fats occurs in what o The Mitochondria How many additional ATP s result from lactate production The purpose of lactate ethanol fermentation is to regenerate NAD True or How many total ATP s are produced using glycogen as the starting material How many ATP s net are produced in glycogenolysis using glycogen as the In the complete oxidation of glucose which process produces most of the ATP o Oxidative phosphorylation At which stage is CO 2 produced The molecular oxygen in respiration is used to do what Which is worth more energy ATP NADH Pyruvate or FADH 2 When a plant grows the increase in biomass carbon comes from what Of these three ultraviolet infrared and visible which one has the longest What is high energy light that may damage biological molecules The tail of chlorophyll which is embedded in the thylakoid membrane is False o True o 0 o 4 o 3 starting material o Krebs Cycle o Produce water o Pyruvate o The air wavelength o Infrared light o Ultraviolet light what o Hydrophobic The purpose of the light reactions is to produce what o ATP and Phosphoglyceraldehyde The dark reactions of photosynthesis occur in the what o Stroma of chloroplasts The photosystems of the light reactions are found in the what o Thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts In animals ATP synthase is located where o Inner mitochondrial membrane In plants ATP synthase is located where o Inner mitochondrial membrane and thylakoid membrane ATP NADH and FADH 2 are produced by what o Krebs cycle ATP and NADPH are produced by what o Light reactions ATP and NADPH are used by what o Calvin Benson cycle O 2 is produced by what o Light reactions What is water split in o Light reactions What is water formed in o Oxidative phosphorylation What are pores on the lower surface of a leaf C 4 plants separate C fixation from the Benson Calvin cycle CAM plants separate C fixation from the Benson Calvin cycle o Stoma o In space o In time

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LSU BIOL 1201 - The fluidity of a membrane

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