BIOL 1201 SECTION 1 Spring 2015 INSTRUCTOR Dr Joseph Siebenaller Professor of Biological Sciences A609 Life Sciences Annex 225 578 1746 HU zojose lsu edu UH 202 Life Sciences Building Biological Sciences Main Office 225 578 2601 OFFICE HOURS Tuesday and Thursday 4 30 to 5 30 PM or by appointment CLASS 3 00 to 4 20 PM Tuesday and Thursday 101 Gym Auditorium Campbell Auditorium Lectures will start promptly at 3 00 If you arrive late please enter through the upper doors in the rear of the room and try not to disturb your classmates who arrived on time Please turn off the ringers on your cell phones during lecture and do not bring any food or drink into Campbell Auditorium For this course it is expected that students spend at least six hours per week outside of class completing assignments reading the textbook reviewing their lecture notes and preparing for the next class TEXT Campbell Biology 2011 Ninth edition J B Reece et al All assigned readings are from Campbell Biology The relevant material in the textbook is listed in the lecture schedule MOODLE Course materials activities resources and grades will be available on MOODLE which can be accessed from your myLSU desktop For assistance with MOODLE contact the Help Desk at 578 3375 or HU helpdesk lsu edu U LECTURE You are responsible for everything covered in class including any announcements about changes in the course or examinations The lectures will cover some material not found in the textbook and vice versa The examinations will focus on the topics and material covered in lecture REVIEW SESSIONS We will hold weekly voluntary review sessions in A101 Life Sciences Annex from 5 30 to 7 00 PM starting January 26 The schedule of reviews is listed below after the lecture schedule STUDENT RESPONSE SYSTEM We will use the Turning Technologies student response system in this course Clickers TurningPoint P N RCRF may be purchased in the bookstore Before purchasing a clicker you may want to find out whether there are any available to be checked out for the semester at the Middleton Library Please be sure to read the information on the Student Response System on MOODLE and register your clicker on myLSU You must register your clicker each semester that you use it because the data base is cleared at the beginning of each semester because students may have pre owned clickers If you change clickers during the semester you must re register on myLSU and email me the information IN CLASS QUIZZES There will be in class quizzes which will be worth a total of 35 points toward your final grade Twenty two of the 25 quizzes will count toward the 35 points These points are awarded for class participation not attendance Participation requires an honest effort to answer all of the questions You must be present in class to receive participation credit even if you have a university approved excuse You are responsible for bringing your clicker to class and making sure it is in working order I will not accept class notes afterward as proof of your attendance If you forget your clicker or if your clicker is not working you should see me before class if possible but at least by the end of class for a way to get credit for that day This alternative way of receiving credit is only for the rare occasion you forget your clicker you will not be given credit routinely without your clicker A student should have only one clicker in her his possession during class Clicking for a classmate during the in class quizzes constitutes substitution a violation of the Code of Student Conduct defined as substituting for another student or permitting any other person to substitute for oneself to take a test quiz in class assignment The matter may be referred to the Dean of Students MOODLE QUIZZES There will be on line quizzes given on MOODLE totaling 35 points Twenty two of twenty five quizzes will be counted There will be no make ups for the MOODLE quizzes After a quiz closes you will not have access to it EXAMINATIONS There will be three examinations given in Campbell Auditorium during the regular class time on Thursday February 5 Tuesday March 10 and Thursday April 2 Each of these tests will be worth 100 points and each will cover only the material in the preceding unit A 150 point test will be given during the final examination period Wednesday May 6 12 30 to 2 30 PM in Campbell Auditorium On the final examination 100 points will cover the material in the preceding unit and 50 points will cover material from the entire course Bring a number two pencil to the examinations Scantrons will be provided Take special care to correctly bubble in your name and LSUID number in the appropriate sections of the scantron You may lose points if you do not fill in these sections properly You are required to bring your LSUID for each examination Failure to produce it can lead to your examination being discarded Be on time for the examinations you will not be allowed in once the first student finishes During the examination all electronic devices including cell phones and smart phones must be put away Students with an electronic device out may be referred to the Dean of Students Having the device out during the examination is a violation of the test conditions Permission to miss an examination should be obtained before the examination is administered Students must provide reasonable advance notification and appropriate documentation of the reason for the absence The University policy on student absence from class is listed in PS 22 Students given permission to miss an examination will be required to take a make up examination Do not make travel plans that conflict with the scheduled exams The April 2 exam is the day before the start of spring break If you do miss an examination without prior permission you must contact me as soon as possible with appropriate documentation of the reason for the absence and arrange a make up examination Students missing an examination without permission will receive a grade of 0 GRADE SCALE Your final grade will be based on a total of 520 points This includes three examinations worth 100 points each the final exam worth 150 points in class activities worth 35 points and MOODLE quizzes worth 35 points No extra credit work will be given or accepted to improve grades Your course grade is based on the in class activities MOODLE quizzes and examinations A 90 00 or greater B 80 00 to 89 99 C 68 00 to 79 99 D 56 00 to 67 99 F below 56 00 HIGH STANDARDS OF ACADEMIC
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