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CGS 2100 Final Chapter 7 Questions 1 Database technology has given us convenience in gathering data however at the same time many times 2 A report generally uses all the field that are in the database 3 When a person uses language such as ordinary English to query a database it is known as a n 4 Data records with errors for example spelling errors or incorrect values are called 5 Navigation by browsing through the records in a database is the most efficient way to search for it takes away a Privacy a False language query a Natural a Dirty Data information a False 6 All of the following are true statements regarding data warehouses EXCEPT a Data warehouses are an obsolete concept 7 A key field must a Uniquely identify a record 8 For a customer database a god choice of key field would be a Customer ID 9 All of the following are true statements about databases EXCPET a Information from the database cannot be printed 10 One popular open source database in MySQL 11 Producing paychecks twice a month is an example of processing 12 Oracle offers support for multidimensional database products 13 The following is an example of Select Student ID From Students Where Credits 46 a True a Batch a True a SQL a Computed a Interactive 14 In a database a field shows results of calculations performed on data in other numeric fields 15 When checking your bank account balance through the Internet you use processing 16 A database the stores data in cubes rather than tables is known as a n database 17 processing is used when a college accumulates course registrations and processes them at the a Multidimensional same time in one large set a Batch 18 The Children s Online Privacy Protection Act requires Internet based businesses to obtain parental consent before collecting information from children years of age and younger 19 The search engine is the most visited site on the planet a 12 a Google a Text software systems a False a Records a Tables a File cabinet of information a False 29 In 2004 Google citizens a Chinese browsing a Querying the word Newark a True 20 Prior to Google early search engines ranked Web pages by a Counting the number of times the key word or phrase appeared on the page 21 In a customer database a customer s surname would be keyed into a n field 22 Using SQL requires the user to learn a new language each time they work with new hardware and 23 A relational database table is composed of and each of those is composed of fields 24 In a client server environment the server a Processes a query from a client and then sends the answer back to the client 25 The kind of information a field can hold is determined by a The field s data type 26 A relational database requires one or more 27 A computerized is a good comparison to a database 28 Databases make it simple to store small quantities of information but are not suited for large quantities a Offered shares of stock to the public 30 In 2005 Google agreed to allow the government to censor certain searches made by their 31 All of the following are advantages of SQL EXCEPT a The power and features are exactly the same as Haskell C and Java 32 When looking for a specific customer in a large credit card database is more efficient than 33 A contextual search tool might ask Did you mean Newark Delaware or Newark NJ if you query 35 The act of obtaining data about an individual and then using that data to fraudulently obtain goods and 34 Google is a play on the term googol which means a 1 followed by 100 zeroes services in that individual s name is called a Identity Theft 36 One example of a GIS is 37 The number of newspapers sold on May 30 would be kept in a field 38 Arranging all customer records in customer number order is an example of a MapQuest a Numeric a Sorting 39 Google s original algorithm was written to improve the way search engines looked for Web pages by a Counting the number of times other related Web pages linked to it Chapter 8 1 XML is used to write small programs called applets 2 Which of the following domains is restricted 3 Browsers can be enhanced with software extensions called plug ins 4 The protocol used to transfer Web pages is a False a edu a True a http a Department of Defense 6 The gov domain is used by a The United States Senate 7 In what decade was ARPANET developed 5 Which department of the U S government developed the initial stages of the Internet a 1960 s a Plug ins a Real time visible on the Web a PHP a Wed a 1991 a A wed page a Username 8 Downloadable software extensions that add new features to a browser are known as 9 When radio or TV broadcasts are streaming at the same time they are happening it is called 10 Which of the following is a popular scripting language for programming Web servers 11 After an HTML document is completed it needs to be uploaded onto a server before it s 12 The World Wide Web was introduced in 13 URLs uniquely identify 14 In the email address bowles sou edu bowles is the documents including blogs a RSS 16 Which of the following is a legal IP address a 144 12 18 8 15 is an XML based family of formats used to publish information about frequently updated 17 The protocol is designed solely to allow files to be transferred from a server to a client 18 Bill Gates was the original developer of the World Wide Web 19 The following are all examples of broadband access EXCEPT 20 The latest version of the Internet Protocol is IPv9 a FTP a False a Dial up a False 21 RSS reading applications which periodically visit Web sites examine the feeds and display new content are known as a Aggregators 22 Which of the following statements about Web page authoring is FALSE a Programs such as Microsoft Word cannot be used to author Web pages 24 The digital divide separates people in the world with access to technology and digital information from 23 ARPANET was funded by a The US Government those who do not a True 25 The Internet is controlled by a No one in particular 26 To register a business name and create a unique URL a business pays a fee that goes to a A domain name registry company 27 The top level domains for countries consist of two letters 28 Net neutrality is the principle that Internet access should be free from restrictions related to the type of communication taking place on it 29 One example of a scripting language is PHP 30 The first part of a URL refers to the that must be used to access information for example http 31 The World Wide …

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