CGS2060 Exam 2 Study Guide Outsource of e commerce services Outsourcing a business use of an outside company to take over portions of its workload E commerce systems that support electronically executed business transactions Transaction processing systems TPS system that records and handles transactions TPS later feeds into MIS to provide a company with reports on sales etc Content Filtering software that works with web browser to check each site for indecent materials Spam Filtering filtering unsolicited junk mail that makes up more than 60 percent of today s email The study of Ethics companies outsource in countries where work can be done less expensively to manage information VS Off shoring practice that relocates an entire production line to another location Outsourcing uses other companies to take over portions of its workload Issues Censorship authority controls speech and other forms of expression Electronic surveillance on the internet close monitoring of behavior Carpal Tunnel Syndrome excessive computer use is the aggravation of the pathway for nerves that Phishing scams combine both spoofed e mail and a spoofed Web site in order to trick a person into travel through the wrist providing private information Protection that are potentially dangerous Firewall network hardware and software that examines all incoming data packets and filters out ones Popup blocker software that blocks pop ups a new window advertisement Spyware software installed on a computer without the user s knowledge to either monitor the user or allow an outside party to control the computer Security on Wi Fi networks access points typically have no security features enabled making it easy for any wireless device to connect Can be configured and security features enabled through a simple Web interface using a computer connected to the access point War Driving the active driving through neighborhoods with wireless notebook looking for unsecured Wi Fi networks safeguards for protection against malicious software and hacking attempts Firewalls network hardware and software that examines all incoming data packets and filters out ones Antivirus software find viruses on a computer system remove them if possible and keep additional that are potentially dangerous viruses from infecting the system Antispyware searches a computer for spyware and other software that may violate a user s privacy allows the user to remove it and provides continuing protection against future attacks Encryption the use of high level mathematical functions and algorithms to encode data so that it is unintelligible to all but the intended recipient Biometrics science and technology of authentication by scanning and measuring a person s unique physical features Select a safe password select a strong password change your password regularly don t write your password down MP3 and other copyright material movies Piracy illegal copying use and distribution of digital intellectual property such as software music and Plagiarism taking credit for someone else s intellectual property typically a written idea by claiming it Courts rule that intellectual property belongs to the owner and that the use of P2P software to traffic protected material is unlawful Intellectual property is legally protected through copyright as your own Security Security Holes software bugs that allow violations of information security Software Patches are corrections to the software bugs that cause security holes Cryptography practice and study of hiding information Modern cryptography intersects the disciplines of mathematics computer science and engineering EX ATM cards computer passwords and electronic commerce Intellectual property refers to a product of the mind or intellect over which the owner holds legal entitlement Theft typically for financial gain Identity theft criminal act of using stolen information about a person to assume that person s identity Internet fraud crime of deliberately deceiving a person over the Internet in order to damage them and to obtain property or services from him or her unjustly Total Information Security involves securing all components of the global digital information infrastructure Personal Computers Business Computer Systems Government Systems International Systems Participation by EVERYONE is important and difficult to gain Five steps of new information systems development Investigation analysis design implementation and maintenance review How many thoughts can the human brain carry out per second AI An area of computer science that deals with stimulating human thoughts and behavior in computers Group Decision Support systems computerized collaborative work system is designed to provide effective support in group decision making settings flexible supports anonymous input and reduces negative group dynamics Systems Transaction Processing System capture and update databases that provide the largest source of input to management information systems Management Information System filter and process the data to output reports that help users plan control organize and monitor operations more efficiently and effectively summarized into a form useful to managers Decision Support System used to support problem specific decision making Expert Systems act as expert in field Makes suggestions and help to reach conclusion Virtual Reality System a computer system that simulates an environment or event Reports Scheduled Reports produced periodically on a schedule Demand Reports report developed to give certain info at persons request Exception Reports automatically produced when a situation is unusual or requires action Drill down Reports report that makes it easy to evaluate and navigate data Ex lists Components of an Artificial Intelligence System Conventional AI ES Case based reasoning solving problems based on previous one Set of cases yield insight to new one Bayesian networks graphical models for info Behavior based AI combining semi autonomous modules for specialized activity Computational intelligence Neural networks stims function of neurons in brain in software Fuzzy systems fuzzy logic reasoning that is approximate rather than precise Evolutionary computation many attempts Throws away ones that don t work E Commerce systems E commerce host is a company that takes on some or all of the responsibility of setting up and maintaining an e commerce system for a business or organization E commerce implementation requires investment in M
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