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o Nation State a large geo political entity that unifies several ethno linguistic entities 1 Nations can be identified by 1 Ethnicities 2 Language 3 Government Politics 1607 Founding of Jamestown 1620 Plymouth colony founded 1765 1st national congress The Unites States was a peculiar geo political entity that occupied North America Immigration is a part of our national identity and history In order to approach the history of the U S we must decide when it begins 1789 Federal gov t established constitution is ratified 1800 Thomas Jefferson called his election and said it was this time when Americans were able to express their political will and shape what is now known as the federal gov t 1865 The end of the Civil War union of the North and South The challenge of American History How do we tell the story of many people who migrated to North American and still involve political entity 13 000 15 000years ago first people to inhabit North America Bering Land Bridge during the last great ice age the lowered sea levels uncovered land between Siberia and Alaska This allowed human beings to migrate from Asia to North America and make their way to the south What qualities do all immigrates share Maps showing pathways of how goods traveled reveals there was frequent movement Trade vectors denote that goods were being taken to different places among Native 1 Mobility o Trade Americans 2 Adaptability 2 o Money All engaged in different economic conduct Relative sophisticated thinking about value in an economic sense Beads and shells known as Wampum was used in long island as currency it was also used symbolically as a nice gesture Fur from animal hides was in high demand by the European Traders o Agriculture The mounts found support our theory that these people now had time to build mounts because of the food stability agriculture introduced These societies changed from a hunter gather society to an agriculture society Agriculture allowed people to use less time focusing on food and spend time and energy on other things Agriculture allows you to anticipate food supply Having stable food supply people had time to focus on a Religion b Trade c Economy Teocentli was modified into maize a grain like edible food that is preserved for a long time and is easy to farm Other food ways NW coast Washington State had an abundance of Salmon in the Celilo falls and fisheries were established and salmon patties were traded 329 North America languages before European contact Language is a way for non literate people to identify themselves through speech 3 Diversity Types of Housing Dwelling shows diversity Teepees were a late invention Seminoles 3 Lived around the rivers and creeks of South Georgia and Alabama Spoke Muskogean but were called creeks by the European fur traders Escaping refuge from the English colonial settlers they migrated south Florida was a Spanish conquered area African and Native American slaves who fled St Augustine and other Spanish settlements along the Camino Real b w St Augustine and other Mission St Louis were called Cimarrones Cimarrones means feral wild or unruly Due to language barrier these Muscogean speaker could not pronounce the rr sound therefore were not able to call themselves what the Europeans called them The name later became Anglicized and it changed from Cimarrones Cimalones and what today we know as Seminoles earth 19th century What did the Europeans find in America Strange brave wilderness thought they encountered a utopian land Governor Bradford of Plymouth Plantation sends emissaries to meet Massasoit 1621 who was the leader of a local native group called Wampanoag England gives lots of documentary evidence of what they experienced Ex Illness epidemic hardships o The colonial period begins New group of very mobile adaptive and diverse people begin arriving by sea from a strange place called Europe England Colonies Jamestown VA 1607 Plymouth Colony 1620 Massachusetts Bay Colony 1630 Why did they come o Pushes internal domestic factors compelled England to move beyond its boundaries drive English to America 1 England faces its own demographic crisis 1550 1600 England population doubles 2 5 mil 5 mil 4 Why is population boom a problem Society is stagnant This is pre capitalist age Innovation and economic expansion are happening at a slower rate than population growth Problems A Inflation more people competing for limited resources results in higher prices for those resources B Reduction in real wages wages fall unemployment rises o Intervention 16th century 1500 1599 2 Economic change The enclosures monarchs allowed land owners to transform agricultural land into pasture lands hence enclosure to denote the fenced in nature of pastures Sheep wool clothing which made raw material for clothing to be in high demand Consequences of Problems A Cost of living goes up because food prices grow up since less land is being used for food B Drove large numbers of peasants from the land C Cotiers or Cotters a new class of lardiers peasants named for the cots they carries around with them Why did the English monarchs do this Money Although they have land they need a liquid ascent to invest and trade Spain had at the time Consequences of the pushes More people and little expansion of resources high prices less work Crime Vagrancy homelessness Idleness unemployment which is a crime Revolt 5 What did the English believe causes the social problems Idleness Problems are the responsibility of the individual NOT the state gov t Individual broad economic problems Idleness If people don t work they produce too many kids can t provide and end up homeless o 16th century England job Agriculture Demographic shift and economic change not enough land to provide jobs Solution Get people out of the country and begin to build colonies Provides legitimate reasoning to colonize land overseas to dump idle people 3 Religious conflict Protestant Reformation an on going process in 16th and 17th century England Fight begins in England to break away from Catholic to Protestants but the English do not agree Results in a civil war until the 17th century in England Protestants some wanted to purge everything of Catholicism These people were the ones who wanted nothing to do with the Catholics the Pope of the cat Church became known as Puritans radical view of the church in England Pulls external geopolitical or foreign factors International factors extending it presence 1 National Security At this time

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