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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 27 September 2013 Lecture 12 Chapter 6 Powerpoint Cephalocaudal head down weak neck 3 4 months baby is able to look up and move their head up newborns cannot because of Proximodistal center out to the extremities spinal cord to outward body Babies start off with not being able to function fingers completely then begin to use index fingers better and then be able to use all fingers by 3 years old Motor Skills Development Infant Reflexes Sucking Rooting turn towards source Grasping grab things Moro reflex startle reflex stretch out and then back in to protect head Stepping reflex picked up and held above ground in order to moon walk Babinski reflex bottom of baby s foot is stroked curl and bend inward Motor development milestones Universal and Practice Effect Sensation Vision visual acuity 20 400 high contrast area face highest contrast area 6 months 3 years last one to develop Hearing mother s voice and background noise Small and taste turn to mother s scent prefer sweat Touch skin to skin human touch enhance growth Experience dependent Babies are able to lift head at 2 3 months roll over at 3 months sit up and reach out for something at 4 months stand up and walk at 12 months Mirror Neuron imitate action of adults mimic critical for first few months emotional center amygdala seeing and doing seem the same thing Motor skills and cognitive learning

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