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All factors contribute to poor academics for children living in poverty Developmental Psychology 3 28 13 School Performance What affects school performance Stronger predictors than IQ Socioeconomic status Self control Attributions how do you explain your successes and your failures Stereotype threat Asian is weak does not do very well in sports so teacher goes out trying to attract females but then remembers than he is Asian there s no way you could feel attracted to me this thought unconsciously pulls you back and leads to a heightened level of anxiety and makes you underperform compared to what you could do Teachers expectations STEM Science technology engineering and math Although 60 of bachelor s degrees are awarded to women they earn only 20 of the degrees in engineering computer science and physics Stereotype that girls are not good at math Differential treatment in these classes Teachers sympathize with girls and tell them it s okay if they aren t good at math because girls struggle with math Parental attitudes 10 years ago men outnumbered women in grad school now girls take action and the difference between the number of women and men who pursue higher education has begun to decrease In medical school there are more females than males now

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UNT PSYC 3620 - School Performance

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