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PSYCHOLOGY OF THE OFFENDER TEST 07 REVIEW PYSHOLOGY OF THE POLICE Officer selection 1 Traits incorruptible high moral character well adjusted carryout stressful duties people oriented service to others free of overly emotional reactions dedicated disciplined able to function within a chain of command logical 2 The interview 3 Situational tests structured interviews are more reliable than nonstructured interviews personal interviews are most widely employed tool for selection incorporate tasks that are similar to those which will be undertaken by the officer less favored involve tasks such as report writing and other common duties 4 Psychological tests objective MMPI most often used Inwald Personality Inventory designed specially for high risk occupations better predictor of job performance than MMPI 5 Fitness for duty evaluations the administration must balance protecting the legal rights of the officer and protecting the public from a potentially impaired officer Crisis intervention 1 Mental Illness mental illness has become a primary responsibility of the police more likely to arrest mentally ill Crisis Intervention Team CIT special training to increase officer and consumer safety while trying to redirect the mentally ill from the judicial system to the mental health system Informal police intervention does not lead to arrest or hospitalization Usually involves referring to family friends 2 Myths of Domestic Violence Family violence is only perpetrated by men Family violence is confined to the mentally ill Family violence is confined to poor people Battered women like being hit otherwise they would leave Alcohol and drugs are the real cause of family violence immediate arrest of batterers seems to reduce recidivism the most 3 Hostage situations types of hastage takers trapped criminal a person is trapped by police while committing a crime uses anyone available as a hostage to bargain for freedom takeover of prisons persons suffering a mental disorder experiencing serious emotional problems Terrorism Stockholm syndrome most likely to occur when hostages are purely instrumental The Police Officer s Job Enforcing the law accounts for about 10 of work Maintaining order 3 of every 10 requests Providing services in community main job of police Stress and the Police causes Physical and psychological threats Evaluation systems Organizational problems and lack of support s is the most influential cause of police stress burnout PSYCHOLOGY OF GANGS The most common type of gang are turf gangs Warning signs of gang affiliation hand signs between young peers unique clothing preferences unusual drawing graffiti REPRESSED RECOVERED MEMORIES Memories which are detailed highly emotional are not necessarily real memories They can be fabricated false memories can be implanted many psychologists use memory trigger techniques but agree that not all recovered memories are reliable 1 Repressed memories highly emotional reaction serve a protective function are very controversial may not even exist 2 Problems with repressed memories lawsuits have been dropped because the person pressing charges admitted memories were false repressed memories can cause problems animosity between family members Take sides therapists have been sued for malpractice implanting false memories 3 Stages of memory Perception initial viewing of event Storage encoding of the event for later use Retrieval recalling the event at a later date JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE Usually justifiable homicides occur against male strangers criminal homicides usually occur between family friends 1 Moral responsibility argument the only time it is morally acceptable to kill is if the person gives consent or tries to take your life without your consent 2 Most citizen homicides are a response to a crime which is thought to be occurring in urban areas

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