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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psych 3620 Sect 853 30 August 2013 Powerpoint Developmental psychology studies children growth overtime development of human being cognitive abilities throughout lifespan Lifelong changing process Linked together effect later in life from earlier in life Abilities acquire all throughout life Multidimensional three big domains Physical cognitive unique for humans abstract thinking solve problems reasoning and social emotional development connect interact Contextual environmental impact Interactional nature versus nurture depends on area Video Prenatal Stage conception until birth Early childhood 0 2 years of age Middle childhood 2 6 PreTeens 6 12 Adolescent 12 18 Temperament Slow to warm up babies shy not very out going Easy babies calm easy going Difficult babies irritable fuzzy Powerpoint Cont Stage Theories Qualitative changes abstract thinking Incremental Theories Quantitative changes taller Equifinality different predictors experiences lead to same outcome Multifinality same predictor experience leads to different outcomes

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