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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 16 September 2013 Lecture 7 Chapter 4 Powerpoint Genetic Disorders typically happen during the prenatal stage not affected by environment Chromosome Disorders Down syndrome one extra chromosome 21 Klinefelter syndrome XXY in men s 23rd pair Turner syndrome X0 zero in women s 23rd pair short stature webbing of neck Fragile X syndrome one gene segment CGG on the X chromosome is repeated 200 times rather than 5 40 times mental retardation and learning disabilities twice as likely in males who have typical facial features and possible autism Gene environment Interaction Passive Genes when one s genetic endowment already matches with environment Active Genes when one s genetic endowment becomes a driving force for children to seek out experiences that fit their genetic endowments does not match environment Evocative Genes when children s genetic endowment causes them to act in a way that draws out or evokes certain responses from those around them Temperament personality of infants mostly genetic

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