Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 7 October 2013 Lecture 15 Chapter 7 Powerpoint Critique of Piaget ages are not necessarily correct Stages are not necessarily distinct Social interaction and learning environment assumed that cognitive abilities would unfold regardless social interaction catalyst Cross cultural validity difference in the rate at which children move through the stages Vygotsky 1896 1934 Children s cognitive development is most influenced by their social world All learning is culturally based language is the tool Zone of proximal development Readiness to learn assistance and guidance between learning on their own and learning through assistance from adult Scaffolding Private speech What the adults educators do to assist children The self directed talk transforming teaching into learning Attention focus selective attention and maintain sustained attention Infancy novelty preference habituation lose interest from repeated stimulus Childhood increase ability to direct and sustain attention differences genetic and social factors Low SES less stimulation less support higher impulsivity and less sustained attention Processing efficiency automaticity Adolescence multitasking myth Memory infancy Rovee Collier s paradigm 3 month olds remember a stimulus for 1 week 18 months old remember for 13 weeks Infantile amnesia not remembering events before age 3 Infants toddlers remember things via emotion and action Sensory visual memory vs verbal encoding Executive Function Coordination of attention memory and behavioral responses for the purpose of attaining a certain goal Inhibition the ability to stay on task ignore distractions and or inhibit impulses Cognitive Flexibility the ability to switch focus as you need to in order to complete the task
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