Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 4 November 2013 Lecture 27 Chapter 11 Powerpoint Moral Development the sense of right and wrong internal subjective can lead to guilt not external Self interest self serving what is good for others and everyone Children learn basic right and wrong by age 6 learn from external standard moral knowledge Piaget s Moral Stage Heteronomous Morality 4 7 subject to external controls obedience to authority avoid Pre moral before age of 4 punishment Undifferentiating between Intentional and Accidental Immanent Justice punished by higher power Incipient Cooperation 7 10 morality of cooperation justice established between peers fairness exchange favor between friends Autonomous Morality 10 and older rules are made by people to maintain interactions Kohlberg s Moral Development Stage Preconventional heteronomous morality obeying word of authorities and fear of punishment individualism fairness everyone s self interest must be taken into account Conventional mutual interpersonal expectations and conformity being good to those around you in accordance with their expectations including caring loyalty and gratitude social system and conscience considering the good of society as a whole maintaining order for the good of all Postconventional social contract and individual rights understanding that the rules of society may differ for different groups and that some values such as life and liberty are universal universal ethical principles following self chosen principles involving equal rights even when they conflict with society s rules Conscience Empathy and Justice moral judgment the reason of our decisions Conscience guilty feelings following a bad behavior and the ability to do the right thing even when no one else is around doing it Empathy Sympathy Milgram experiment Moral thought moral action and justice
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