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SOCL EXAM 3 Castle Sexual Objectification Hooking Up What is the point Representing or treating a person like a sex object one that serves another s sexual pleasure Media is increasingly sexualized Dating replaced by hooking up as the main campus script Does this mean sex NO 39 5 VAGINAL intercourse 32 1 Kiss Touch 15 1 Hand to genital 11 7 Oral sex What is a hookup Physical encounter without expectations Double Standard Men Studs Female SLUTS WHORES AND SLUTBAGS Men exaggerating experiences Men 6 1 median lifetime sexual partners Women 3 6 More men also say the hookup in college Is the date dead Dating when couples are already bf gf Date much rarer What conditions led to hookup conditions Large number of people in college High percentage of women Postponement of marriage Men 27 Women 25 Women s movement Contraception Most Don t Do It Avg for senior 4 7 hookups 91 characterize campus by a hookup culture 80 of students hook up less than once a semester on average Sexual activity among students hasn t increased in recent decades Satisfied NO 1 Empowerment 2 Pleasure 3 Meaningful experience No Alternative Most feel hookup culture impedes sex and relationships 11 Enjoy 38 Opted Out 50 Do so reluctantly 1 Committed relationship Positives Learn a lot about themselves Clarify values embrace sexuality Less Distracting Emotionally safer Driven by Women Elizabeth Armstrong men continue to hold most of the power as they did in the dating era Women avoid relationships to keep time with friends or studying Men Prefer hooking up Women Prefer dating Past Research abandonment of hookup script will this continue After College Online Dating White lies exaggerations 1 in 5 couples meet online Stigma Tinder Fastest growing free dating app in the U S A Sean Rad founder 3 5 Million matches per day FAMILIES disregard Aging Family 1 People live together with commitment 2 Care for any children 3 Share emotional ties 6 Functions of a family Regulating Sexual Behavior Reproduction Socialization Social Placement Economic security Emotional Support Types Extended Nuclear Marriage Several generations of blood relatives sharing one household One or two parents and their children Reasons for getting married Do you want to get married o Among those who have never been married both men and women o 61 Yes o 12 No o 27 not sure Adults aged 30 50 get married Men 27 are more likely than women 8 to say they do not want to Endogamy Exogamy Monogamy Polygamy Polygyny Marrying within one s social category Marrying outside one s social category Unites two partners o Serial marriage divorce new marriage Unites a person with two or more spouses One man with two or more women One women with two or more men Polyandry Romantic Love Affection and sexual passion toward another person United States Nation of lovers Serial Monogamy Legal process of dissolving a marriage Divorce 43 46 Causes of Divorce Individualism More concerned with own happiness 1 2 Romantic love fades 3 Women less dependent on men 4 Marriage is stressful 5 Socially Acceptable 6 Easier to attain no fault divorce Infidelity Men in relationship admitting 57 Women 54 56 of men 34 of women who had affairs claimed happy or very happy in marriages Helen Fisher Why Women emotional reasons Men Sexual Motivations Singlehood People choosing to live alone 93 still marry Age 27 for women and 29 for Men Cohabitation Two people living together without being legally married Approximately 33 of lesbian couples and 22 of gay couples are raising Gay and Lesbian Families children Structural Functionalist Society depends on families Functions of a family Social Conflict Family structure promote inequality Perpetuate inequalities based on class and gender feminist How did you or individuals you know become religious Beliefs that guide human behavior and unite believers into a community Religion Durkheim Cults Sects Belief Sacred extraordinary aspects of life Profane ordinary element of life Major World Religions Largest Christianity 2 2 billion 2nd Largest Islam 1 6 billion Non Christians out number Christians two to one Group devoted to beliefs that are outside mainstream society Group who breaks from established religion to form its own 92 believe in God 7 don t believe in God 55 say religion is important Affiliation 15 no religious preference About half of US adults have changed affiliation Participation 40 attend religious services 27 seldom or never attend Characteristics SEX Women more religious Age 65 and over are more likely Race and Ethnicity o 39 of unaffiliated are Asian o 34 white o 22 Latino o 13 black Social class Trends in the US o As income increases the importance of religion decreases o Higher income nations less religious o 82 tend to gain comfort in religion Secularization o decline in the importance of the supernatural Would a self declared atheist be electable as president in U S today Why or why not Theoretical Analysis Functionalism 1 Social Cohesion Sense of belonging and unity 2 Meaning Our lives serve greater purpose 3 Social Services Example raising for Katrina victims 4 Social Control To promote conformity and rules to live by Conflict Karl Marx o To maintain dominant group s positions Opiate of the people Unites people under false consciousness Max Weber Sparked economic development Protestant Ethic John Calvin Predestination even before we are born all people are divided into two groups and only god knows who will got to heaven or to hell Symbolic Interactionist Symbol something that stands for something else Rituals formal and repeated behavior also called a rite Beliefs define relations between the sacred and the profane Education Institution responsible for transmission of knowledge skills and cultural values Who most influenced you to go to college Considering people you know who did not go to Schooling in the US 88 HS graduates 30 four year college degree Shaped by High standard of living Democratic principles Grade Inflation standardized tests is decreasing Problems Pressure on professors Number of students earning A grades is increasing while performance on o Difficult to identify exceptional students o Not uniform between schools or disciplines Degrees Earned Gender 1 4 females graduating for every 1 male who graduate 4 year college So mathematical impossibility for at least 23 of college educated women to find a college educated man Functionalist Manifest Functions 1 Socialization 2 Transmits knowledge 3 Cultural innovation 4 Social

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LSU SOCL 2001 - Exam 3

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