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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 20 September 2013 Lecture 9 Fetal activity more of a reflex unconscious movement nervous system is developed first 20 weeks is where the baby is most active conscious movement Pregnancy three trimesters 40 weeks First 3 months morning sickness due to hormonal changes fatigue Second 3 months woman feels the baby moving quickening prenatal activity level predicts activity level of the baby after birth Final 3 months fatigue and discomfort fetus drops to get into position for birth Teratogens Forty agents that can disrupt prenatal development and cause malformations or termination of the pregnancy Alcohol fetal alcohol syndrome FAS Tobacco including 2nd hand smoke asthma and other respiratory problems SIDS ADHD and learning disabilities Prescription drugs even aspirin is linked with bleeding Illegal Drugs Maternal disease and stress FASD fetal alcohol spectrum syndrome disorder Startle all throughout the pregnancy if consume one glass of red wine a week Mental retardation born with diseases heart lungs Risks after the Birth Baby blues postpartum depression should be treated Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS Prematurity birth that occurs before a gestational age of 37 weeks Low birth weight full term newborn weighing less than 5 pounds 4 ounces Occur more often to male babies seasonal more if born in the fall and winter times 99 happens between 1 month to 6 months rarely before 1 month and after 6 months Linked to having the baby sleep on its stomach very dangerous no predictions

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