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Jaymie Ticknor Developmental Psychology 3620 Sect 853 2 October 2013 Lecture 13 Chapter 7 Powerpoint Cognitive Development children vs adults thinking Mistakes children make indicate the nature of their thought processes As children develop the structure of their thinking changes and these new modes of thought are based on the earlier structures Qualitative change in kids thinking stairs sharp increase once hit a certain stage Kids work with what they have under developed knowledge make sense of environment Theory of Cognitive Development Piaget Schemas cognitive framework that places concepts into categories and association Assimilation fit modify new info based on existent schema Accommodation changing creating schemas to fit new information to make sense of things Equilibration development is driven by the equilibration equilibration state b w schemas and environment learn to tolerate the unknown lose equilibration but get balance between b w assimilation and accommodation means intellectual curiosity that makes the kid uncomfortable if something does not match their existing schema at all Have to widen their schemas by using assimilation or accommodation learn a new schema Theory Piaget s Sensorimotor Stage birth to 2 years Preoperational Stage 2 to 7 years Concrete Operational Stage 7 to 12 years Formal Operational Stage 12 years and old Sensorimotor Stage Birth 2 years From reflexes to goal directed activity 1 4 months begin to use reflexes to satisfy needs motor schemas 8 12 months goal directed drop different things to get attention 12 18 months experimenting Development of object permanence lack of this out of sight out of mind A not B task move toy from one cloth to another cloth develop this at around 1 5 years Preoperational Stage 2 7 years Use of concrete symbols Transductive reasoning Deductive reasoning Fantasy play imaginary companion Language Drawing Inductive reasoning Assign causal links without logical support magical explanations

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